Amita Sinha

Amita Sinha

Literary Head at The Kalyani School

Amita Sinha is an educator with a decade long experience in English Language teaching and learning. With an open-minded approach towards ideas and expression, she is dedicated towards engaging students in various pursuits of language learning beyond textbooks, such as debating, creative writing, and more. She enjoys reading fiction and also runs an online book club for adults. She also likes writing poetry and engaging in creative discourses. Currently, she is serving as the Literary Head at The Kalyani School in Pune, India.

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Teachers reading for pleasure
Teachers reading for pleasure

‘…despite our demanding schedules, I feel that it is vital for all … to engage in reading for pleasure.’ In this reader contribution, Amita Sinha – Literary Head at The Kalyani School – shares advice for prioritising reading for pleasure and developing a culture for reading.