Nani Teig

Nani Teig

Associate Professor at the University of Oslo, Norway

Nani Teig is an Associate Professor at the University of Oslo, Norway, specialising in educational research and science education. Her research focuses on leveraging large-scale assessments to promote effective and equitable teaching. She integrates various data, including classroom observations, surveys, assessments, and computer log files, to investigate aspects of teacher quality and teaching quality that facilitate the development of student performance, motivation, and resilience. Her work has been honoured with awards like the Global Education Award, Bruce H. Choppin Dissertation Award, Researcher Project for Young Talents, and UNESCO GEM Fellow.

1 total results
How resilient are your students? Unpacking effective teaching practices
How resilient are your students? Unpacking effective teaching practices

Students with academic resilience persist and thrive in their studies, despite the odds being stacked against them. In our latest reader submission Associate Professor Nani Tieg, from the University of Oslo, Norway, explores findings from her UNESCO GEM Fellowship study into the role teachers play in fostering academic resilience in maths and science classrooms.