Shashaank Varma

Shashaank Varma

MTech in Cognitive Systems student in the Department of Cognitive Science at IIT Kanpur

Shashaank Varma graduated in biotechnology with a specialisation in the neurobiology of stress. He is pursuing his M.Tech in Cognitive Systems in the Department of Cognitive Science at IIT Kanpur. He is interested in linguistic processes such as sentence processing, perceptual processes, and in cognition behind education. Currently, he is involved in designing and implementing studies to assess and assist students' computational thinking abilities.

1 total results
A lesson activity for unplugged Computational Thinking
A lesson activity for unplugged Computational Thinking

‘In India, where only 45% of schools have access to functional computers and just 33% have internet access, unplugged methods to improve Computational Thinking offer a promising solution.’ Researchers Shashaank Varma and Anveshna Srivastava share a simple unplugged sorting activity you can use in your own classroom to develop students’ computational thinking skills.