Video: Andreas Schleicher on how COVID-19 fundamentally changed the role of teachers

Teacher recently caught up with Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the OECD, to talk about how schools have coped with the challenges of 2020. In this video snippet, Schleicher reflects on how COVID-19 fundamentally changed the role of teaching.

‘… If you look at the last 10/15 years there had been a kind of trend towards commodifying education: students becoming consumers, parents becoming clients, teachers becoming service providers, and there’s sort of an increasing distance in education. And I think this crisis has really made everybody part of the process,’ Schleicher says.

‘… As a teacher you suddenly saw, well, if I was just broadcasting knowledge I will not reach my students any more. I no longer have to be just a good instructor, I have to be also a great mentor, a great coach, a great facilitator, a great kind of evaluator, a great social worker.’


Andreas Schleicher expands on these ideas and more in a recent podcast episode, Global Education Episode 20.

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