Online learning

10 total results
Teaching techniques – six ways to use Instructional Video
Teaching techniques – six ways to use Instructional Video

English and History teacher Steven Kolber shares the six common approaches to apply Instructional Video within a classroom or educational setting.

The Global Teacher Prize Top 50 for 2021
The Global Teacher Prize Top 50 for 2021

Two educators from the Philippines are in the running for teaching’s biggest prize after being selected as finalists from over 8000 nominations. Grade school teacher Michelle Rubio and Science teacher Bryant Acar have both made the top 50 for the US$1 million Global Teacher Prize – the only finalists from the Southeast Asia region.

Back to school: Reestablishing face-to-face relationships and routines
Back to school: Reestablishing face-to-face relationships and routines

As COVID-19 vaccination rates increase and schools around the world return to on-site learning, teachers and students will need to reestablish face-to-face relationships and routines, take time to reflect on their home learning experiences and think about where to from here. Dr Gail Brown and Dr Carl Leonard offer some advice and questions for reflection in today’s reader submission.

Infographic: Effectiveness of remote learning during COVID
Infographic: Effectiveness of remote learning during COVID

McKinsey surveyed teachers around the world for their views on the effectiveness of remote learning during the COVID-19 school closures. Teachers were asked to reflect on their experiences in the first few months of the pandemic, scoring the effectiveness on a scale of one to 10. Find out the results in today’s infographic.

Video: Andreas Schleicher on how education systems responded to COVID-19
Video: Andreas Schleicher on how education systems responded to COVID-19

Teacher caught up with Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the OECD, to talk about how schools have coped with the challenges of 2020. In this video, he shares how different countries around the world ensured teaching and learning continued during COVID-19.

Video: Andreas Schleicher on how COVID-19 fundamentally changed the role of teachers
Video: Andreas Schleicher on how COVID-19 fundamentally changed the role of teachers

Teacher recently caught up with Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the OECD, to talk about how schools have coped with the challenges of 2020. In this video, he reflects on how the role of teaching has fundamentally changed.

COVID-19: Remote learning out of reach for one-third of schoolchildren
COVID-19: Remote learning out of reach for one-third of schoolchildren

Worrying analysis shows at least one-third of the world’s schoolchildren have been unable to access remote learning programs put in place to provide continuity of education as schools close their doors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Working with parents to provide practical strategies for home-supported learning
Working with parents to provide practical strategies for home-supported learning

‘In this home-supported learning environment parents are being called upon to play a broader role in their children’s education. The role of the parent is not to replace the teacher in learning from home …’ Dr Tanya Vaughan and Susannah Schoeffel share evidence on how teachers can work with parents to support students in a rapidly changing education landscape.

Covid-19: Continuity of teaching and learning – an evidence-based approach
Covid-19: Continuity of teaching and learning – an evidence-based approach

‘As the COVID-19 situation unfolds, schools are closing to protect their students and the broader public – but this doesn’t mean a stop to learning for students or teachers.’ Dr Anne-Marie Chase and Professor Pauline Taylor-Guy share three phases of research-based decisions education systems and schools should be making now in relation to technology-enabled learning.

Mobile phones in the classroom – what does the research say?
Mobile phones in the classroom – what does the research say?

In a recent Teacher article, two schools discussed their differing policies on mobile phone use during school hours. Here, we look at a range of studies that have explored the positives and negatives of allowing mobile phones to be used in class.