We're delighted to let you know our annual Teacher reader survey has just opened for another year.
This is the sixth instalment of our reader survey. It's an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on the stories we've brought you in the past year, what you'd like to see from us next, and the subject matters and content styles of most interest to you. It's also the time to share your stories and experiences as an educator with our editorial team. By taking part, you can go in the draw to win a $500 VISA prepaid gift card.
On the types of content we publish, you can let us know if you prefer articles which are shorter or longer; whether you are more interested in pieces from our regular columnists or submissions from our readers, and if you enjoy watching our videos on YouTube and listening to our podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or SoundCloud.
At the conclusion of each year's survey, we get to work pursuing your suggestions to make Teacher content as useful and meaningful as possible. For instance, last year you told us you'd like to see more content on gifted students – so we spoke with Dr John Munro, a Professor of Educational Psychology and Exceptional Learning about how to identify these learners, understanding their learning needs and how to encourage them to reach their potential in the classroom.
We also know from previous years that readers enjoy our infographics, so this year, we introduced video infographics as an additional way to view this information.
A recent video infographic on the topic of 21st Century Skills.
A unique year for teachers
It's been a landmark year for educators across the country and the world. In the past few months, we've heard from educators in a range of school contexts on how the impacts of COVID-19 have affected them, and how their school communities are working through continuing teaching and learning during this time.
Three educators submitted stories on how their school context has been challenged by COVID-19, and what they're doing to adapt. This included an educator at a school in rural Australia, an Australian educator currently teaching in Kenya, and how one school in Melbourne has tackled delivering Geography and PE lessons remotely.
In the survey this year, you can share with us how your school responded to the challenges presented by COVID-19. We are also asking you about wellbeing for the first time.
How you're using Teacher content
If you've ever wanted to share your story with Teacher, responding to our reader survey is the perfect time to get in touch with us. Earlier this year we shared the stories of three readers who responded to our reader survey last year, telling us how they've used Teacher content in their school contexts.
Deputy Principal at Pakuranga College in New Zealand Larraine Barton responded to the survey saying she uses our podcast episode, Dr Bill Rogers on starting the new year in her professional development program each year. We discussed this with her to find out more about how this has proved useful in her school context in an article.
You may have also seen how a Teacher podcast episode on how one school in the Northern Territory uses co-teaching to improve student outcomes, inspired another school in Victoria to transition to co-teaching.
Teacher content isn't just used for inspiring school change. Perhaps you use our articles, videos, infographics and podcasts for professional development. One reader, Carol Clough, takes notes on our articles to share with her colleagues.
Carol Clough's notes on our article, Learning in lockdown – teachers as designers. Image supplied.
We can't wait to hear from you again this year. Complete the survey now.
The Teacher survey runs from 3 September 2020 to 2 October 2020. By completing the survey, you can go into the draw to win a $500 VISA prepaid gift card.
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