
2465 total results
Research news: PISA insights – secondary students’ confidence in maths
Research news: PISA insights – secondary students’ confidence in maths

Previous exposure to similar mathematics tasks that appear in assessments significantly increases student mathematical self-efficacy and confidence, a new Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) report highlights.

A learning-based approach to differentiating educational provision for gifted students
A learning-based approach to differentiating educational provision for gifted students

‘Educational provision includes what students learn … how they will be taught … and the culture in which they will be taught ... Gifted students benefit from the opportunity to interact with differentiated versions of each of these.’ Professor John Munro explains 3 areas of differentiation, and shares examples of what this could look like in the classroom.

Podcast special: Meet Brett Dascombe – a top 10 finalist for the Global Teacher Prize
Podcast special: Meet Brett Dascombe – a top 10 finalist for the Global Teacher Prize

The winner of the 2025 Global Teacher Prize has been announced. Mansour Al Mansour from Saudi Arabia has walked away with the US $1 million prize. One Australian teacher was a top 10 finalist this year – Brett Dascombe, a Senior Geography Teacher from Wavell State High School in Brisbane. In this special podcast episode, Brett shares how he exposes his students to real-world, project-based learning by embedding geospatial technologies like GIS, drones and remote sensing data into the geography curriculum.

Mansour Al Mansour wins the 2025 Global Teacher Prize
Mansour Al Mansour wins the 2025 Global Teacher Prize

The winner of the 2025 Global Teacher Prize has just been announced. Mansour Al Mansour from Prince Saud bin Jalawi School in Saudi Arabia has walked away with the US $1 million prize. Mansour was recognised for his strategic vision and unwavering belief in his students' potential, and for building an inclusive and innovative learning environment.

Global Education Episode 26: A toolkit for global citizenship education
Global Education Episode 26: A toolkit for global citizenship education

What we've done is aimed to answer the questions about how to enact global citizenship and what does it look like when you do it well?’ In this episode of our Global Education podcast, Dominique Russell is joined by ACER Senior Research Fellow, Rachel Parker, to unpack the new Global Education Monitoring Toolkit. 

Will schools of the future be different?
Will schools of the future be different?

In his first Teacher column for 2025, Professor Geoff Masters AO poses these questions: will schooling be different for children born this year, and if so, how? He then offers 3 suggestions for how learning at school might evolve by 2040.

Growing the seeds of engagement: Students share their top tips for teachers
Growing the seeds of engagement: Students share their top tips for teachers

Have you ever asked your students for advice on how you could help them to get more engaged in learning at school? That is exactly what Dr Amy Berry and Dr Kellie Picker did in their recent study, Student perspectives on engaging in learning at school. In part one of their 3-part series for Teacher on student engagement, the authors explore students’ top tips on how teachers could help them get more engaged in learning. 

Professional Development, networks and events for NSW science teachers in 2025
Professional Development, networks and events for NSW science teachers in 2025

The Science Teachers’ Association of New South Wales (STANSW) is offering a range of professional development events, networking and advocacy this year, supporting NSW teachers to excel in science education. 

Infographic: PISA 2022 insights – Student-teacher relationships
Infographic: PISA 2022 insights – Student-teacher relationships

One of the topics in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) student questionnaire is the quality of student-teacher relationships. This infographic looks at the responses of Australian students in the 2022 test cycle, by state and territory.

Research Conference 2025: Enabling holistic growth for all students
Research Conference 2025: Enabling holistic growth for all students

It’s the opening day of Research Conference 2025! The Teacher team are busy meeting with classroom teachers and school leaders; and attending international keynote presentations, panel sessions and more, all addressing the overarching theme of transforming learning systems.