
15 total results
Infographic: How ethical do the public think educators are?
Infographic: How ethical do the public think educators are?

The annual Ethics Index by the Governance Institute of Australia measures the population’s overall view of how ethical the behaviour of major sectors is. The education sector continues to be perceived as the most ethical sector. Here, we see 2024 results for all 8 sectors, specific occupations within education, and how public perceptions have changed from 2023.

Research news: Why are young people leaving school early?
Research news: Why are young people leaving school early?

If you’re a secondary teacher or leader, what is the average year 12 completion rate for students in your school? Do you know the reasoning behind why some students decide to leave early? How could you best support these students? A new report offers answers to these questions.

Global Education Episode 23: Engaging high school students with study and job skills
Global Education Episode 23: Engaging high school students with study and job skills

In this episode from our Global Education podcast series, we’re venturing to New Zealand’s South Island, to find out about the Central Otago Youth Employment Program, which is keeping Year 11 program in high school while setting them up for job success.

Research update: Supporting post-school transition for disadvantaged students
Research update: Supporting post-school transition for disadvantaged students

In today’s article we share an update on the Pathways, Engagement and Transitions study, which explores the post-school pathways of young people experiencing disadvantage and how this information can be used to create better support systems, including in school settings.

Preparing students for the future space workforce
Preparing students for the future space workforce

The Australian space economy is set to triple in size and create another 20,000 jobs by 2030. In this article, we speak to Dr Scott Sleap, the latest recipient of the Park Family Churchill Fellowship, about the work he is doing to inspire young people to consider careers in space.

The Research Files Episode 78:  Supporting disadvantaged students in post-school pathways and transitions
The Research Files Episode 78: Supporting disadvantaged students in post-school pathways and transitions

In this episode of The Research Files, we’re focusing on The Smith Family’s Pathways, Engagement and Transition Study. We’ll be unpacking some of the early findings and student feedback on how teachers and careers advisers can best support them in making informed decisions about possible jobs and pathways, connecting with employers, and applying for further study or training.

Successful Vocational Education and Training programs – a school example
Successful Vocational Education and Training programs – a school example

What makes a Vocational Education and Training (VET) program successful? In this article, we talk to Linda Snoxall, VET Coordinator at Mildura Senior College – host of one of the eight successful VET programs identified in a recent report from the National Centre for Vocational Education on the factors of successful VET programs in schools.

Successful Vocational Education and Training (VET) in schools programs
Successful Vocational Education and Training (VET) in schools programs

Around a quarter of a million students in Australia choose to undertake Vocational Education and Training (VET) in school each year as part of their senior secondary studies. New research, released this month, explores some of the reasons why they choose this pathway, and the factors that lead to effective VET in schools programs.

Infographic: The professions viewed as most ethical by the public
Infographic: The professions viewed as most ethical by the public

A recent survey measured public attitudes to ethical conduct across society. In this infographic, you can see how each occupational sector scored in the Ethics Index for 2020, and how different occupations within the education sector are viewed by the public.

Infographic: Teenage career expectations over time

A new report from the OECD explores the career aspirations of 15-year-olds from across the world. In this infographic, we look at the percentage of boys and girls expecting to work in one of the 10 most commonly cited jobs when they are 30 years old, and how their career choices have changed over time.