
371 total results
Insights from PISA: Resilient education systems
Insights from PISA: Resilient education systems

Rising teacher shortages and a global pandemic are just 2 of the major challenges schools have had to navigate over the last few years. Despite this, the latest PISA report highlights a handful of education systems that showed resilience during this period – including Japan and Lithuania. Teacher finds out more.

Real world maths – a pet ownership puzzle
Real world maths – a pet ownership puzzle

Each year, the International Mathematical Modeling Challenge gives students an opportunity to team up on a complex task that connects their mathematical learning with a real-world situation. Teacher spoke to members of an Australian team judged among the best globally, about how they approached this year’s challenge.

Global Education Episode 24: Teaching for creativity across the curriculum
Global Education Episode 24: Teaching for creativity across the curriculum

In this episode of our Global Education podcast, Editor Jo Earp talks to Lead Practitioner Sarah Childs and Associate Professor Kerry Chappell about their involvement in England’s Creativity Collaboratives partnership program, including the important role of teachers as action researchers, and details of the Toolkit resources developed to help others.

PISA 2022: Students’ financial literacy
PISA 2022: Students’ financial literacy

Financial literacy is an important life skill, but a new report from the OECD analysing results from the PISA 2022 optional financial literacy assessment found that while most 15-year-olds are already consumers of financial products, many still lack some of the skills and knowledge that are needed to make sound financial decisions for themselves.

Student voice – involving children in decision-making
Student voice – involving children in decision-making

How are education systems supporting child empowerment? That’s the key question explored in a new international report that reviews the literature and shares examples of effective policy and practice in different countries, and the challenges that exist.

PISA 2022: Students’ creative thinking
PISA 2022: Students’ creative thinking

How good are your students at thinking outside the box, seeing things from a fresh perspective, producing original ideas and improving upon the ideas of others? We take a look at newly released international results from the first PISA Creative Thinking assessment.

Research news: Supporting students by learning through play
Research news: Supporting students by learning through play

As an educator, you’ll recognise the importance of providing time for young children to play and to learn through play. However, findings from a 4-year study conducted in Ukraine suggest that playful learning can be a protective factor for children, helping foster literacy and social-emotional skills in times of crisis.

Infographic: Finding the digital learning ‘sweet spot’
Infographic: Finding the digital learning ‘sweet spot’

According to mathematics performance data from the OECD's PISA 2022 report, students that spend time at school learning on digital devices outperform students that don't. But how much time is too much time? In today’s infographic, we look at student mathematics scores across the OECD and Australia by hours spent on digital learning at school.

Expert Q&A: PISA 2022 – the impact of school experiences on student performance
Expert Q&A: PISA 2022 – the impact of school experiences on student performance

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) recently released an in-depth analysis of Australian student and principal questionnaire responses, collected as part of the OECD’s latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In this Q&A, we speak with ACER’s Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood about what Australia’s results tell us.

PISA 2022: Student curiosity helps maths performance
PISA 2022: Student curiosity helps maths performance

High school students with higher levels of curiosity performed better in the latest round of international PISA mathematics assessments, according to new analysis of Australian data from the Australian Council for Educational Research.