
380 total results
Global Education Episode 25: Playful learning in Laos
Global Education Episode 25: Playful learning in Laos

In this episode of our Global Education podcast, Teacher Editor Jo Earp talks to Soukdalone Phommathep – Foundation Principal of Lab Langban in Laos – about its growth from humble beginnings, learning while having fun, the importance of student voice, and a playful design touch that’s enjoyed by adults just as much as the children.

Insights from PISA: Digital distractions in the classroom
Insights from PISA: Digital distractions in the classroom

In the latest PISA test cycle, one of the topics explored in the questionnaire was the disciplinary climate of classrooms. In today’s article we take a look at one of the drivers of Australia’s less than favourable index score – digital distractions.

Infographic: Creative thinking in classrooms – encouragement + time
Infographic: Creative thinking in classrooms – encouragement + time

Do you encourage your students to come up with original answers? Do you also give them enough time to be creative in assignments? Our latest infographic looks at data from the PISA 2022 creative thinking questionnaire. We look at 10 of the participating countries and economies, and the percentage of students who agreed with the 2 statements about encouragement and time.

Low-stress strategies for students’ oral presentations
Low-stress strategies for students’ oral presentations

In yesterday’s reader submission, Dr Sunaina Sharma and Wendy Lang discussed their high school students’ anxiety over oral presentations. In this second article, the Ontario teachers share 4 strategies they’ve implemented to build the same speaking and listening skills while reducing the stress level.

Tackling high school students’ anxiety over oral presentations
Tackling high school students’ anxiety over oral presentations

After noticing their secondary English students were stressed by oral presentations (and coming up with ways to avoid them all together), Ontario educators Dr Sunaina Sharma and Wendy Lang gathered their feedback to find out more, then set about adjusting their teaching, based on a trauma-informed approach.

The Research Files Episode 95: Australian insights from PISA 2022
The Research Files Episode 95: Australian insights from PISA 2022

Are Australian students getting better or worse at mathematics? Are they more or less creative than their OECD peers? Andrew Broadley chats to ACER Senior Research Fellow and National Project Manager for PISA, Lisa De Bortoli, about what we can learn from the latest PISA results.

Infographic: Climate change education around the world
Infographic: Climate change education around the world

Climate change education provides students with the knowledge required to understand and practice climate action. Several UNESCO studies offer international insights into what students know, how confident teachers are on the topic, teacher training plans and current curriculum content. Find out more in this infographic.

Equity lessons for the AI era from PISA 2022
Equity lessons for the AI era from PISA 2022

‘While AI holds the promise of personalised learning and improved educational outcomes, it also risks exacerbating existing inequities if not carefully managed.’ In a new column for Teacher, OECD Director for Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher uses the latest PISA data to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by integrating Artificial Intelligence into education.

Teacher Staffroom Episode 58: Concentrating on creativity
Teacher Staffroom Episode 58: Concentrating on creativity

Last month, new data from PISA 2022 on the creative thinking assessment were released, showing Australian students performed strongly. At Teacher, we’ve been looking at the topic of creative thinking and teaching creativity, and in this episode, we get you up to speed on the insights we’ve gathered.

Insights from PISA: Resilient education systems
Insights from PISA: Resilient education systems

Rising teacher shortages and a global pandemic are just 2 of the major challenges schools have had to navigate over the last few years. Despite this, the latest PISA report highlights a handful of education systems that showed resilience during this period – including Japan and Lithuania. Teacher finds out more.