Professional learning

288 total results
The Research Files Episode 93: Effective use of education technology
The Research Files Episode 93: Effective use of education technology

In this episode, Editor Jo Earp sits down with Acting CEO of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Edmund Misson to talk about education technology, including the evidence on effective use, the critical role of professional learning, and possible challenges facing teachers and leaders now and in the future.

School Improvement Episode 54: Teacher research informing practice
School Improvement Episode 54: Teacher research informing practice

In this episode of School Improvement Editor Jo Earp is joined by Jake Compton, Director of Academic Culture and a teacher in the Senior School at Canterbury College, which has been working with academics at the UQ Learning Lab since 2020. We’ll be talking about some of the projects, how they’ve evolved over the years, and the challenges along the way.

Q&A: Professional learning through staff collaboration
Q&A: Professional learning through staff collaboration

Research shows that high quality teaching and leadership teams learn from each other's practices. At Loreto Normanhurst, that philosophy has led to the development of their Open Learning Circles program, which sees professional development done in a collaborative, teacher-led format.

Research to practice – helping educators set students up for success
Research to practice – helping educators set students up for success

‘Increasingly, schools will need to support their young people to not just develop content knowledge and skills through effective learning, but also ensure their students know how to learn, individually and with others.’ Today’s article shares how the UQ Learning Lab is helping educators to set their students up for success at school and in life.

The power of design thinking in education
The power of design thinking in education

In today’s reader submission, Anam Javed – Master Teacher in Residence for Technologies at the Victorian Academy of Teacher and Leadership – provides an overview of design thinking, including 2 illustrative examples, and shares some misconceptions of the approach.

Research collaboration: Student engagement and purposeful learning
Research collaboration: Student engagement and purposeful learning

At St Joseph’s Primary School, teachers have had time to better understand how to effectively support each student to be intellectually, behaviourally, emotionally and socially engaged as learners. In last week's article, 3 teachers shared more about this opportunity and in today’s article 2 foundation teachers explain how they’ve benefited from examining their own practice.

The Research Files Episode 89: Gender differences in classroom emotional experiences
The Research Files Episode 89: Gender differences in classroom emotional experiences

A new study has investigated the classroom emotional experiences of boys and girls undertaking integrated STEM projects to understand the role this has on girls’ interest in STEM. To do this, researchers needed to develop and validate a research tool. We unpack the study in this episode of The Research Files.

Research collaboration: Teachers working to understand student engagement
Research collaboration: Teachers working to understand student engagement

‘As teachers work to address student learning needs, student engagement emerges as a key consideration for effective practice.’ In this article, 3 primary teachers share how being given time and support to explore this aspect of their teaching changed the way they thought about student learning.

Podcast panel: Tips for a successful start to the school year
Podcast panel: Tips for a successful start to the school year

We’re right at the beginning of a new school year here in Australia. That means most of you are busy setting up your classrooms, meeting new students and establishing relationships with them and their families. In today’s podcast special, we’ve spoken with several winners from last year’s Teacher Awards to ask them their most valuable tips, strategies and priorities for starting the school year off right.

Teacher’s Bookshelf: Leading professional conversations
Teacher’s Bookshelf: Leading professional conversations

Teacher dips into the pages of Leading Professional Conversations: Adaptive expertise for schools, the new book from Emeritus Professor Helen Timperley. This exclusive extract discusses the importance of firstly establishing the purpose and focus of the conversation, and some things to think about before diving in.