
371 total results
Research news: Parent perspectives on school attendance
Research news: Parent perspectives on school attendance

How can schools work with parents effectively to support student attendance? New research suggests families can be unaware of the extent of their child’s absences and aren’t concerned about them missing school. We speak with Dr Anna Saavedra about the study findings and practical strategies for highlighting the importance of attendance with parents.

Insights from PISA: Singapore’s home-based learning initiative
Insights from PISA: Singapore’s home-based learning initiative

How do you continue to innovate and adapt your teaching to best equip students for a fast-changing, digitally driven world? In Singapore, the Ministry of Education has implemented regular home-based learning days, where students are tasked with taking charge of their own learning.

Podcast special: World-class learning systems – meeting individual student needs
Podcast special: World-class learning systems – meeting individual student needs

In the final episode of our 3-part miniseries on world-class learning systems, Jo Earp and Professor Geoff Masters discuss how schools and communities in British Columbia, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong and South Korea are working together to best meet individual student learning and wellbeing needs.

Infographic: Comparing the length of primary school breaks by country
Infographic: Comparing the length of primary school breaks by country

Do you feel like you’re getting enough time off each year? Recent data from the OECD’s Education at a Glace report reveals Australian primary school teachers and students have less time off each year than the majority of OECD countries measured.

Teacher mentoring: Bringing structured literacy to schools
Teacher mentoring: Bringing structured literacy to schools

After her double win at the National Excellence in Teaching Awards for her work helping teachers and schools in New Zealand implement structured literacy into their practice, Amie Roberts speaks to Teacher about how this approach empowers all students.

Podcast special: World-class learning systems – conditions for successful student learning
Podcast special: World-class learning systems – conditions for successful student learning

Professor Geoff Masters, CEO of the Australian Council for Educational Research, joins Teacher for a series on world-class learning systems. In Episode 2, he joins Editor Jo Earp to discuss how the 5 jurisdictions of British Columbia, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, and South Korea are creating the conditions for all students to learn successfully.

Research news: Gender differences in civic knowledge and political ambition
Research news: Gender differences in civic knowledge and political ambition

‘Girls were more willing than boys to participate in school-based civic activities … but do not plan to be politically active.’ New data show female students are consistently outperforming males in the area of civic knowledge, yet they have lower political ambition. Find out more in today’s article.

Infographic: Teachers needed across the globe by 2030
Infographic: Teachers needed across the globe by 2030

According to new research from UNESCO, 44 million additional teachers will be needed globally by 2030 to educate every child. In today’s infographic, we explore the key figures from this research, and share the recruitment targets for replacing attrition in primary and secondary schools.

Podcast special: World-class learning systems
Podcast special: World-class learning systems

Professor Geoff Masters, CEO of the Australian Council for Educational Research, joins Teacher for a series on world-class learning systems. In Episode 1, we find out more about the 5 systems he’s been exploring for a multi-year study commissioned by the National Centre on Education and the Economy in Washington DC.

Infographic: How valued do teachers feel by society?
Infographic: How valued do teachers feel by society?

A recent study analysed TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) 2018 data to examine teachers’ perceptions of occupational value in 28 OECD countries. The findings show an overwhelming majority feel undervalued in almost all countries. Here, we look at teachers’ perception of their overall occupational value, and drill down into 4 specific aspects.