
182 total results
The Research Files Episode 95: Australian insights from PISA 2022
The Research Files Episode 95: Australian insights from PISA 2022

Are Australian students getting better or worse at mathematics? Are they more or less creative than their OECD peers? Andrew Broadley chats to ACER Senior Research Fellow and National Project Manager for PISA, Lisa De Bortoli, about what we can learn from the latest PISA results.

Infographic: Climate change education around the world
Infographic: Climate change education around the world

Climate change education provides students with the knowledge required to understand and practice climate action. Several UNESCO studies offer international insights into what students know, how confident teachers are on the topic, teacher training plans and current curriculum content. Find out more in this infographic.

Students’ science literacy – national insights
Students’ science literacy – national insights

A new national report explores latest achievement data for students’ science literacy, and offers insights into what’s happening in Australian classrooms to help develop their knowledge, understanding and inquiry skills.

Expert Q&A: PISA 2022 – the impact of school experiences on student performance
Expert Q&A: PISA 2022 – the impact of school experiences on student performance

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) recently released an in-depth analysis of Australian student and principal questionnaire responses, collected as part of the OECD’s latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In this Q&A, we speak with ACER’s Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood about what Australia’s results tell us.

Expert Q&A: The value of teaching STEM as a subject
Expert Q&A: The value of teaching STEM as a subject

It is estimated that within the next 5 years, over 90% of jobs will require STEM skills. In this article, we speak to Daniel Edwards, STEM/Digital Technologies teacher at Montello Primary School and Parklands High School in Burnie, Tasmania, about the value of implementing STEM as a subject, and the amazing successes his students have had.

Insights from PISA: Singapore’s home-based learning initiative
Insights from PISA: Singapore’s home-based learning initiative

How do you continue to innovate and adapt your teaching to best equip students for a fast-changing, digitally driven world? In Singapore, the Ministry of Education has implemented regular home-based learning days, where students are tasked with taking charge of their own learning.

The Research Files Episode 89: Gender differences in classroom emotional experiences
The Research Files Episode 89: Gender differences in classroom emotional experiences

A new study has investigated the classroom emotional experiences of boys and girls undertaking integrated STEM projects to understand the role this has on girls’ interest in STEM. To do this, researchers needed to develop and validate a research tool. We unpack the study in this episode of The Research Files.

Research news: Practical tips for primary science
Research news: Practical tips for primary science

A report by Evidence for Learning has provided 6 practical recommendations to improve primary science. In this article, Teacher looks at one of the 6 recommendations – developing students’ scientific vocabulary.

School Improvement Episode 50: Award-winning STEM teachers
School Improvement Episode 50: Award-winning STEM teachers

The longstanding Prime Minister’s Prizes for Excellence in Science Teaching recognise one primary and one secondary STEM teacher for their outstanding contribution to the field. The 2023 winners were announced late last year and in this episode, we speak with them both about the work they’ve been recognised for.

How resilient are your students? Unpacking effective teaching practices
How resilient are your students? Unpacking effective teaching practices

Students with academic resilience persist and thrive in their studies, despite the odds being stacked against them. In our latest reader submission Associate Professor Nani Tieg, from the University of Oslo, Norway, explores findings from her UNESCO GEM Fellowship study into the role teachers play in fostering academic resilience in maths and science classrooms.