
189 total results
Professional Development, networks and events for NSW science teachers in 2025
Professional Development, networks and events for NSW science teachers in 2025

The Science Teachers’ Association of New South Wales (STANSW) is offering a range of professional development events, networking and advocacy this year, supporting NSW teachers to excel in science education. 

Infographic: Who’s studying STEM?
Infographic: Who’s studying STEM?

Thinking about your own school context, is there a gender imbalance in STEM-related subjects? How do you encourage girls to consider taking STEM subjects? In this infographic, we look at gender inequality in students entering tertiary education in a STEM field. 

Teacher resources: Free lesson plans for teaching video game design
Teacher resources: Free lesson plans for teaching video game design

Brand-new resources to help staff and students prepare for this year’s Australian STEM Video Game Challenge are now available. Designed to support novice and experienced learners alike, the resources include curriculum-aligned lesson plans, links to free tutorials, tips for teachers, and more.

Expert Q&A: Australia’s TIMSS 2023 performance – what does the data say?
Expert Q&A: Australia’s TIMSS 2023 performance – what does the data say?

In our latest expert Q&A we’re joined by ACER Senior Research Fellow and lead author of the ‘TIMSS 2023 Australia Volume I’ report Nicole Wernert to discuss the main takeaways, and what the data say about year 4 and 8 student strengths and weaknesses in maths and science.

Infographic: TIMSS 2023 snapshot
Infographic: TIMSS 2023 snapshot

Results from the latest cycle of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2023) have just been released. Today’s infographic looks at the year 4 and year 8 mean scores in mathematics and science for students in Australia and selected participating countries.

TIMSS 2023: Year 4s overcome pandemic learning disruption to set new high
TIMSS 2023: Year 4s overcome pandemic learning disruption to set new high

Australia’s year 4 students have achieved the country’s best-ever result in a major international mathematics and science assessment, overcoming the challenges and disruption of pandemic learning in the early years of their schooling. The TIMSS 2023 results have just been released – here’s an overview of the international data and key findings for Australia.

Insights from PISA: Digital distractions in the classroom
Insights from PISA: Digital distractions in the classroom

In the latest PISA test cycle, one of the topics explored in the questionnaire was the disciplinary climate of classrooms. In today’s article we take a look at one of the drivers of Australia’s less than favourable index score – digital distractions.

The Research Files Episode 95: Australian insights from PISA 2022
The Research Files Episode 95: Australian insights from PISA 2022

Are Australian students getting better or worse at mathematics? Are they more or less creative than their OECD peers? Andrew Broadley chats to ACER Senior Research Fellow and National Project Manager for PISA, Lisa De Bortoli, about what we can learn from the latest PISA results.

Infographic: Climate change education around the world
Infographic: Climate change education around the world

Climate change education provides students with the knowledge required to understand and practice climate action. Several UNESCO studies offer international insights into what students know, how confident teachers are on the topic, teacher training plans and current curriculum content. Find out more in this infographic.

Students’ science literacy – national insights
Students’ science literacy – national insights

A new national report explores latest achievement data for students’ science literacy, and offers insights into what’s happening in Australian classrooms to help develop their knowledge, understanding and inquiry skills