Education Services Australia

Education Services Australia

The Digital Technologies Hub (DT Hub) is an Australian Government initiative designed to support teachers, students and families with resources and tools to teach and learn about Digital Technologies. The resources, aligned to the Australian Curriculum, are freely available. Resources include lesson plans and a scope and sequence, and include sequenced topics that could be used in teaching the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies curriculum to address the content descriptions of the curriculum. The Digital Technologies Hub is managed by Education Services Australia.

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Embracing change: AI and teaching and learning
Embracing change: AI and teaching and learning

With the advent of ChatGPT and the emergence of similar generative AI tools, the teaching and learning landscape is facing a major challenge as it considers how schools might respond to generative AI. To guide schools with their investigation and implementation of generative AI, the Australian Government released the ‘Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Schools’ to guide the responsible and ethical use of generative AI tools.