Alec Santucci

Alec Santucci

History and English teacher

Alec Santucci is a History and English teacher, working at Hills Christian Community School in the Adelaide Hills. Alec graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and History, alongside a Bachelor of Teaching. Completing his studies as an Adelaide Graduate Award recipient, Alec has subsequently designed History and English curriculum for both the Australian Curriculum and SACE. He currently serves as faculty convenor for English as a member of the Curriculum Development Team. In 2023, Alec presented at the South Australian History Teachers State Conference focusing on v.9 curriculum implementation. He is currently working towards completing his Highly Accomplished Teacher Certification.

2 total results
Implementing discussion-based pedagogy in secondary English novel studies
Implementing discussion-based pedagogy in secondary English novel studies

The study of classic novels is a staple in many secondary English classrooms across the country. In this reader submission, English and History teacher Alec Santucci shares how he has approached including discussion throughout the learning of the classic novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, with his year 11 students – sharing strategies that have proved effective in his own classroom for enhancing student engagement

Developing student comprehension of historical significance
Developing student comprehension of historical significance

‘As schools implement the next iteration of the Australian Curriculum, the concept of historical significance is consistently alluded to within syllabus documentation.’ In this reader submission, English and History teacher, Alec Santucci, defines ‘historical significance’ and shares some practical methods for promoting historical skills in the classroom.