
234 total results
Insights from PISA: Resilient education systems
Insights from PISA: Resilient education systems

Rising teacher shortages and a global pandemic are just 2 of the major challenges schools have had to navigate over the last few years. Despite this, the latest PISA report highlights a handful of education systems that showed resilience during this period – including Japan and Lithuania. Teacher finds out more.

Unpacking the science of reading – teaching the unconstrained skills
Unpacking the science of reading – teaching the unconstrained skills

A new paper by ACER’s Greta Rollo and Dr Kellie Picker unpacks the science of reading. In a 3-part series for Teacher, they explain each of the components that make up the science of reading, and share implications for teaching. This final article explores the unconstrained skills.

Unpacking the science of reading – teaching the constrained skills
Unpacking the science of reading – teaching the constrained skills

A new paper by ACER’s Greta Rollo and Dr Kellie Picker unpacks the science of reading. In a 3-part series for Teacher, they explain each of the components that make up the science of reading, and share implications for teaching. This second article delves into constrained skills.

Researching education: 5 further readings on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education
Researching education: 5 further readings on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education

In celebration of NAIDOC week 2024, we’re sharing 5 pieces of content on the topic of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education – including a helpful guide to selecting appropriate resources for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, languages, and more, respectively and effectively.

Unpacking the science of reading – what the research says
Unpacking the science of reading – what the research says

A new paper by ACER’s Greta Rollo and Dr Kellie Picker unpacks the science of reading. In a 3-part series for Teacher, they explain each of the components that make up the science of reading, and share implications for teaching. This first article provides an overview of all 6 components.

The Research Files Episode 92: Helping students become hybrid writers
The Research Files Episode 92: Helping students become hybrid writers

Researchers from Edith Cowan University have recently highlighted the ongoing importance of explicitly teaching both handwriting and keyboarding skills to students, starting in the primary years. Dr Anabela Malpique joins Teacher editor Jo Earp to discuss findings of the meta-analysis and follow-up study, and tips for helping students become hybrid writers.

Research news: Supporting students by learning through play
Research news: Supporting students by learning through play

As an educator, you’ll recognise the importance of providing time for young children to play and to learn through play. However, findings from a 4-year study conducted in Ukraine suggest that playful learning can be a protective factor for children, helping foster literacy and social-emotional skills in times of crisis.

Implementing discussion-based pedagogy in secondary English novel studies
Implementing discussion-based pedagogy in secondary English novel studies

The study of classic novels is a staple in many secondary English classrooms across the country. In this reader submission, English and History teacher Alec Santucci shares how he has approached including discussion throughout the learning of the classic novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, with his year 11 students – sharing strategies that have proved effective in his own classroom for enhancing student engagement.

Expert Q&A: PISA 2022 – the impact of school experiences on student performance
Expert Q&A: PISA 2022 – the impact of school experiences on student performance

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) recently released an in-depth analysis of Australian student and principal questionnaire responses, collected as part of the OECD’s latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In this Q&A, we speak with ACER’s Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood about what Australia’s results tell us.

Researching education: 5 further readings on school libraries
Researching education: 5 further readings on school libraries

Teacher librarians and school libraries play important roles in developing student reading habits, information literacy capabilities, and promoting cross-curriculum learning. In this edition of Researching education: 5 further readings, we are looking at the topic of school libraries.