
234 total results
Infographic: Teenagers reading for pleasure
Infographic: Teenagers reading for pleasure

A Deakin University study delves into secondary school students’ reading habits and explores the prevalence of reading for pleasure amongst teenagers. In this infographic we share some of the findings.

Insights from PISA: Singapore’s home-based learning initiative
Insights from PISA: Singapore’s home-based learning initiative

How do you continue to innovate and adapt your teaching to best equip students for a fast-changing, digitally driven world? In Singapore, the Ministry of Education has implemented regular home-based learning days, where students are tasked with taking charge of their own learning.

A trip to the bookstore – an exercise in student agency
A trip to the bookstore – an exercise in student agency

‘I called it student driven acquisition, but it was essentially: let’s go to the bookstore.’ Teacher Librarian Catherine Barnes seized a unique opportunity, taking her Endeavour College students to the bookstore to select some titles for the newly renovated school library. We caught up with her to unpack the impromptu learning experience.

Research news: How many students use school libraries?
Research news: How many students use school libraries?

For students who may not have access to appropriate books at home, libraries can play a key role in providing this access. New analysis of Australian data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) sheds light on year 4 students’ access to school libraries, revealing 7% attend schools where they’re not allowed to borrow books to take home.

Teacher mentoring: Bringing structured literacy to schools
Teacher mentoring: Bringing structured literacy to schools

After her double win at the National Excellence in Teaching Awards for her work helping teachers and schools in New Zealand implement structured literacy into their practice, Amie Roberts speaks to Teacher about how this approach empowers all students.

How to use books to make creative learning opportunities in your classroom
How to use books to make creative learning opportunities in your classroom

Using books in the classroom is a great way to implement new learning opportunities. Check out this article for some fun ideas for incorporating books into your classroom.

Research news: Practical tips for primary science
Research news: Practical tips for primary science

A report by Evidence for Learning has provided 6 practical recommendations to improve primary science. In this article, Teacher looks at one of the 6 recommendations – developing students’ scientific vocabulary.

Research news: Cost of living on the minds of school students
Research news: Cost of living on the minds of school students

Looking at the content of students’ stories can give teachers an indication of what they’re interested in, as well as the issues that may be impacting their lives. Each year, Oxford University Press analyses thousands of short stories written by primary and secondary students to come up with a Children’s Word of the Year.

Podcast special: PISA 2022 results with Professor Geoff Masters
Podcast special: PISA 2022 results with Professor Geoff Masters

The PISA 2022 international results have just been announced. In this special episode we’re joined by Professor Geoff Masters, CEO of the Australian Council for Educational Research, to talk about Australia’s performance, what we could learn from top performer Singapore, and some of the education reforms taking place in other parts of the world.

Researching education: Five further readings on learning progressions for literacy and numeracy
Researching education: Five further readings on learning progressions for literacy and numeracy

In this series, we take a look at some further readings available on a particular topic, including open access research papers from various online databases, and Teacher archive content you might not have come across yet. This month, we’re looking at learning progressions for literacy and numeracy.