You can’t pour from an empty cup
You can’t pour from an empty cup

‘I’ve emptied my cup completely several times. It always creeps up slowly, but surely, in the background under the guise of contributing to the greater good.’ Aimee Blazek from Mount St Patrick College in Murwillumbah, New South Wales, shares a range of wellbeing strategies she employs to fill her cup.

Setting work-life boundaries during holidays
Setting work-life boundaries during holidays

After many educators experienced lengthy periods of remote learning once again this year, the challenges of switching off from work might be even greater these holidays. In this article, we’re joined by Dr Joanne Beames from the Black Dog Institute, who shares some evidence-based strategies educators can use to switch off and put their wellbeing first.

Managing gut pain to maintain wellbeing
Managing gut pain to maintain wellbeing

It’s believed up to 4.1 per cent of the global population are living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. As our awareness of IBS increases, talk about a promising dietary treatment for symptoms – a low FODMAP diet – has become increasingly frequent. So, how can IBS affect your wellbeing? And, what exactly is a low FODMAP diet?

Book review: ‘Hear Yourself – how to find peace in a noisy world.’
Book review: ‘Hear Yourself – how to find peace in a noisy world.’

Barbara Gillis, an educator working to develop curriculum materials for a peace education program to be piloted in South Australia, shares her review of Prem Rawat’s book ‘Hear Yourself – How to find Peace in a Noisy World’.

Developing a healthy habit: Being active for 28 days
Developing a healthy habit: Being active for 28 days

‘Over the Christmas break last year, I decided to commit myself to being active every day for at least 28 days in a row so that I could develop a healthy habit.’ Tamara Smith from St Mary’s Memorial School in South Australia shares how she began walking every day and the positive effect it’s had.

The 10 000 steps myth: Aspects of walking most beneficial to our overall wellbeing
The 10 000 steps myth: Aspects of walking most beneficial to our overall wellbeing

How does walking benefit our physical and mental health? How many steps do we need to do to see benefits to our overall wellbeing? In this article, Postdoctoral Research Fellow Matthew Ahmadi shares the origin of the 10 000 steps per day goal, and how we can still see substantial benefits from fewer steps.

Self-compassion to boost wellbeing
Self-compassion to boost wellbeing

We know what it means to be kind and compassionate towards others, but practicing self-compassion can be something that many people struggle with. So, what is self-compassion? And, what impact does it have on our overall health and wellbeing? We speak to Dr Judy Pickard from the University of Wollongong to find out more.

Book Review: If You Build It…
Book Review: If You Build It…

Primary school educator Gary Romeo shares his book review of If You Build It…, a memoir by American actor Dwier Brown, which delves into themes of fate and family relationships.

Volunteering helps with my own wellbeing
Volunteering helps with my own wellbeing

‘I love to help others and feel genuine satisfaction when I can do something for someone else.’ Principal of St Agatha’s Primary School in Clayfield, Queensland, Anne-Marie Maw shares why she enjoys volunteering her time to help others, and how it has become part of her own wellbeing strategy.

Volunteering to improve wellbeing
Volunteering to improve wellbeing

A quarter of Australians aged 15 years and over participated in unpaid voluntary work through an organisation in 2020, whilst almost half provided unpaid work or support to others outside their households. In today’s article we speak to Dr Darja Kragt from the University of Western Australia about why people are motivated to volunteer their time, and how it boosts their overall sense of wellbeing.