Greta Rollo

Greta Rollo

Primary, Early Childhood and Inclusive Research team leader, Australian Council for Educational Research

Greta Rollo leads the Primary, Early Childhood and Inclusive Research team at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). She leads and contributes to domestic and international projects developing tools and approaches that support improved learning (assessment rubrics, learning progressions, observational assessments, and personalised learning and support processes) across critical areas of early development including social and emotional learning, oral language, fundamental movement skills and self-regulation. Greta’s current research interests include using music pedagogy to enhance engagement and learning in early years settings.

5 total results
Unpacking the science of reading – teaching the unconstrained skills
Unpacking the science of reading – teaching the unconstrained skills

A new paper by ACER’s Greta Rollo and Dr Kellie Picker unpacks the science of reading. In a 3-part series for Teacher, they explain each of the components that make up the science of reading, and share implications for teaching. This final article explores the unconstrained skills.

Unpacking the science of reading – teaching the constrained skills
Unpacking the science of reading – teaching the constrained skills

A new paper by ACER’s Greta Rollo and Dr Kellie Picker unpacks the science of reading. In a 3-part series for Teacher, they explain each of the components that make up the science of reading, and share implications for teaching. This second article delves into constrained skills.

Unpacking the science of reading – what the research says
Unpacking the science of reading – what the research says

A new paper by ACER’s Greta Rollo and Dr Kellie Picker unpacks the science of reading. In a 3-part series for Teacher, they explain each of the components that make up the science of reading, and share implications for teaching. This first article provides an overview of all 6 components.

Expert Q&A: Navigating difficult conversations with families
Expert Q&A: Navigating difficult conversations with families

Parents and families are integral members of a school community, and working with them to improve student outcomes is a key part of an educator’s role. In our latest expert Q&A we speak to ACER Research Officer Simone Griggs and colleagues Greta Rollo, who leads the Primary, Early Childhood and Inclusive Research team, and Research Fellow Dr Kellie Picker, about a resource they’re developing to help practitioners build strong partnerships with families, including how to navigate difficult conversations.

Expert Q&A: Phonics and early reading instruction
Expert Q&A: Phonics and early reading instruction

In our latest expert Q&A we talk to Greta Rollo, who leads the Primary Early Childhood and Inclusive Research team at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), and ACER Research Fellow Dr Kellie Picker, about the place of phonics in early reading instruction.