Michael Gilliver

Michael Gilliver

Assistant Director (Teaching and Learning) at Independent Schools Queensland

Michael Gilliver is the Assistant Director (Teaching and Learning) at Independent Schools Queensland. His educational background includes teaching History, English and Music, and serving in leadership at Mueller College as Head of Research and Innovation. Michael is a believer in the capacity of teachers to undertake inquiry processes into their own practices to realise improvement, and is a passionate advocate for school leaders actively guiding professional learning in their own context to improve student outcomes.

1 total results
The Science of Blended Learning – a research-practice partnership
The Science of Blended Learning – a research-practice partnership

For many schools, the shift to remote learning during the pandemic has led to new conversations about the possibilities of Blended Learning as a more integral aspect of regular learning and teaching programs. Today’s article looks at how a research-practice partnership is supporting four schools in Queensland to investigate this further.