Rachael Jamieson Newton

Rachael Jamieson Newton

Deputy Head of Junior School – Welfare and Organisation at St Paul’s Grammar School, NSW

Rachael Jamieson Newton is currently Deputy Head of Junior School – Welfare and Organisation at St Paul’s Grammar School, NSW. This is her fourth year in the role and her 22nd year of teaching. She loves leadership, and the opportunity to serve and lead educators and children, but will always be a teacher at heart. Rachael’s passions include building a positive school culture, play and inquiry, wellbeing, the Arts and the teaching of Literacy. Rachael is a collaborative leader, who is strategic and future focussed.

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Meninjau penggunaan taman bermain, pembelajaran, dan sarana pendukungnya
Meninjau penggunaan taman bermain, pembelajaran, dan sarana pendukungnya

Berbicara tentang pembelajaran di sekolah serta sarana pendukungnya, apa yang langsung terlintas di pikiran Anda? Mungkinkah tugas dan lingkungan kelas? Bagaimana dengan area seperti taman bermain atau ruang serba guna? Terkait hal ini, Rachael Jamieson-Newton dan Benjamin Newton berbagi detail ulasan mengenai permainan murid sekolah dasar di St Paul's Grammar.