Kasey Brunt is a Darwin-based freelance journalist and public relations consultant. She specialises in the education, health, and travel sectors, and writes for publications both in Australia and overseas. More can be found at www.kbfreelance.com

4 total results
Inspirational teachers: Part 1
Inspirational teachers: Part 1

Four educators tell Teacher about an inspirational teacher that had an impact on them while they were at school.

Growing their own
Growing their own

How a joint venture to support pre-service educators is improving teacher retention for Northern Territory schools.

Green thumbs
Green thumbs

At this Darwin preschool, teaching sustainable, healthy garden practices has helped connect youngsters to their multicultural community.

Change through teacher leadership
Change through teacher leadership

Initiatives aimed at improving attendance and retention rates in a remote Indigenous school have paved the way for a rise in students interested in pursuing tertiary education and career pathways.