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Up close and personalised
Up close and personalised

We all know that our best teaching and learning programs respond to the prior knowledge and experiences of students, but how can we ensure personally tailored and responsive programs extend across a whole school?

Uncovering authentic learning: Stupid gamers and terrible teenagers
Uncovering authentic learning: Stupid gamers and terrible teenagers

Do you think game-thumbing young people are stupid, antisocial zombies, while skaters are just, well, stupid, antisocial teenagers on skateboards? It might be time to think again.

Teaching in an Islamic school
Teaching in an Islamic school

Coming from a non-Islamic background, Andrew Turcinovich was a little apprehensive when he got a teaching job in an Islamic school. Here, he explains why he needn’t have been worried.

Sweet emotion
Sweet emotion

A school is made up of its people, and people are not always rational beings. Gerard Ferrara explains the importance of emotional intelligence.

Programming the future: The difference between 'using' and 'doing' technology
Programming the future: The difference between 'using' and 'doing' technology

Our schools and our students are very good at using technology, but if we want to thrive in the 21st century, we and our students need to become very good at doing technology.

Self esteem: Caution – do not over-inflate
Self esteem: Caution – do not over-inflate

If we over-inflate our students’ self-esteem, we run the risk that the air will quickly come out of the balloon when they hit the wide world, says Stephen Dinham.

Professional learning that informs classroom practice – that's a good idea
Professional learning that informs classroom practice – that's a good idea

Research shows that professional learning has a powerful effect on the skills and knowledge of teachers. The tricky question is how to measure the impact of that professional learning on classroom practice and, as a result, on student learning.

Play it safe
Play it safe

No school playground can ever be 100 per cent safe, but there’s plenty your school can do to make your playground as safe as possible. Steve Holden reports.

Open the door: Effective teaching is no secret
Open the door: Effective teaching is no secret

If we really want to improve student achievement we need to focus on the person who closes the classroom door and performs the teaching act – the teacher - but to do that we need to open classroom doors.

New school buildings - some practical considerations
New school buildings - some practical considerations

Wendy Wills considers some of the practicalities schools need to address when planning and overseeing the construction of new buildings or other facilities.