
242 total results
Student perseverance around the world: Infographic
Student perseverance around the world: Infographic

Are teenage students in Finland more likely to persevere with a problem than their counterparts in Australia? What about students in Shanghai or the US? Take a look at this Teacher infographic.

Happy World Teachers' Day, Australia
Happy World Teachers' Day, Australia

Happy World Teachers' Day, Australia. Watch our special video message and pass it on to a colleague.

Snapshot: Indigenous educators in Australia
Snapshot: Indigenous educators in Australia

What percentage of Indigenous educators work in low SES areas in Australia? Find out in this Teacher infographic.

The learning crisis in numbers testing
The learning crisis in numbers testing

How long will it take for youth to have adequate literacy skills around the world? Find out in this infographic by the EFA Global Monitoring Report and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics.

Cyber bullying in Australia
Cyber bullying in Australia

How prevalent is cyber bullying in Australian schools? Take a look at this Teacher infographic.

What are young people reading outside class?
What are young people reading outside class?

Have the reading formats that young people engage with outside class time changed since 2005? Find out in this Teacher infographic.

Classroom discipline in Australia
Classroom discipline in Australia

Do Australian students generally take care to create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom? Find out in this Teacher infographic.

Influences on student spending behaviour
Influences on student spending behaviour

What influences student spending behaviour in Australia? Take a look at this Teacher infographic.

A principal's working day

What is the task that takes up the most time in a principal's working day? Find out in this Teacher infographic.

Australian perception of school teaching
Australian perception of school teaching

A recent survey indicated that school teaching is viewed as an honest and ethical profession by a large percentage of Australians. See where school teachers rank amongst other professions in this infographic.