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Supporting students experiencing bereavement
Supporting students experiencing bereavement

How comfortable are teachers with addressing grief and loss with students? Findings from a recent trial has shown that just over two hours of training in bereavement can drastically improve a teacher’s confidence in supporting bereaved children and their families.

Infographic: School attendance and mental health disorders

Mental disorders are a significant cause of absence, particularly in high school, a new examination of data from the Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing shows. Today’s infographic looks at some of the results across Years 1-12.

Using data to respond to student needs
Using data to respond to student needs

In today’s article, we find out how leaders and teachers at a Canberra primary school are using a range of data to identify and meet the needs of children from preschool – to great effect.

The Research Files Episode 53: Building a school reading culture
The Research Files Episode 53: Building a school reading culture

How do schools go about building a supportive reading culture? To answer this question, Dr Margaret Merga went straight to the source – teacher librarians – to gain their valuable insights into the factors that enable and constrain the development of a whole school reading culture. Here, we explore her findings.

Behaviour management: Self-regulated learning and wellbeing
Behaviour management: Self-regulated learning and wellbeing

Dr Karen Peel from the University of Southern Queensland shares findings from her new research that explores teaching for self-regulated learning, and shares her decision-making matrix informing a self-regulatory approach to classroom behaviour management.

Staff wellbeing: Teacher targeted bullying and harassment
Staff wellbeing: Teacher targeted bullying and harassment

New research from La Trobe University sheds light on teacher perspectives of being bullied and harassed by students and parents at schools in Australia. We take a look at the impact this is having on the wellbeing of educators across the country.

The Research Files Episode 52: Keeping students safe online
The Research Files Episode 52: Keeping students safe online

Keeping kids safe online is a constant challenge for parents and teachers. In today’s episode, Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant shares common cyberbullying incidents that young people report to her office and where teachers can find helpful resources.

Teacher resources: Social emotional learning
Teacher resources: Social emotional learning

An animated TV series designed to smooth the transition to school for Indigenous children is proving to be a valuable resource for social emotional learning for all at a school in South Australia.

Supporting Indigenous children's transition to school
Supporting Indigenous children's transition to school

The animated TV series Little J & Big Cuz bolsters pride and identity in Indigenous children, along with supporting learners’ emotional wellbeing and teacher improvement, a study has found.

Teacher Staffroom Episode 5: International research
Teacher Staffroom Episode 5: International research

Teacher Staffroom takes a look at some of the research we’ve covered on Teacher this month including the latest TALIS results on the state of the teaching profession. We also share some exciting updates about the publication.