
9 total results
PISA 2022 insights:  Student questions, mathematics anxiety and homework
PISA 2022 insights: Student questions, mathematics anxiety and homework

If your students don’t ask questions or seek clarification in class, does it mean they understand, or that they’re not comfortable speaking up when they’re unsure about something being taught? The latest PISA 2022 international insights report explores student use of learning strategies, motivation for learning and self-confidence.

Infographic: Having a desk and a quiet place to study
Infographic: Having a desk and a quiet place to study

Whether it's completing homework assignments, preparing for exams, or being required to study remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, teenage students often need to complete school work at home. But, how many have access to a desk and a quiet place to study? What about those from the most disadvantaged backgrounds?

Teacher's bookshelf: Rethinking Homework
Teacher's bookshelf: Rethinking Homework

In this extract from Rethinking Homework: Best Practices That Support Diverse Needs, US education professor Cathy Vatterott discusses the importance of making tasks relevant and giving students more control over their learning.

Music homework – solitary and deliberate
Music homework – solitary and deliberate

When two senior Music teachers saw a need to improve the quality of student’s home practice of chosen instruments, they implemented a strategy of solitary, deliberate music practice. In consultation with the school’s Master Teacher, they developed a model aimed at improving student learning outcomes.

Parents want greater focus on social skills
Parents want greater focus on social skills

Parents, grandparents and guardians want more support from teachers and schools when it comes to helping their children develop social and life skills, such as how to behave in public, according to an Australian study.

Infographic: Time spent on homework
Infographic: Time spent on homework

How much time do 15-year-olds spend per week on homework and other tasks set by teachers after school? An OECD report explored.

Replacing homework with sporting activities
Replacing homework with sporting activities

From worksheets to soccer balls. Why one school has replaced formal homework with after-school sporting activities.

Homework culture key to flipped learning success
Homework culture key to flipped learning success

If you want to implement a flipped learning approach that makes a successful impact, then you might want to start by taking a look at your school's homework culture.

Does homework contribute to student success?
Does homework contribute to student success?

The effectiveness of homework continues to be a hotly debated topic, but what does the research tell us? Jo Earp explores.