Research news

740 total results
Infographic: School teaching as a highly regarded profession

Since 1976, a Roy Morgan annual survey has asked Australians to rate 30 professions for ethics and honesty. This year, the rating for school teachers hit an all-time high. Find out more in today's infographic.

Financial literacy – where Australia sits
Financial literacy – where Australia sits

Australia has performed equal fifth in an international assessment of young people’s financial literacy, according to a report from the Australian Council for Educational Research.

Infographic: Student wellbeing and PE classes

The latest cycle of PISA explored the wellbeing of 15-year-old students. Survey topics included Physical Education classes at school. Here are results from a selection of the 70+ countries and economies that participated.

STEM learning – international best practice
STEM learning – international best practice

Queensland science teacher Sarah Chapman is passionate about engaging youngsters in STEM education and has travelled the world gathering evidence of international best practice.

Developing student writing skills
Developing student writing skills

How important are spelling, grammar and punctuation when it comes to primary students’ achievement in writing composition? An Australian study provides some interesting insights.

Giving parents a ‘nudge' on student attendance
Giving parents a ‘nudge' on student attendance

A US research study suggests a simple postcard to parents encouraging them to improve their child’s school attendance could be a powerful tool for educators.

The Research Files Episode 30: The highs and lows of practicum
The Research Files Episode 30: The highs and lows of practicum

An Australian study shines a spotlight on the highs and lows of the practicum experience from the perspective of pre-service drama teachers. Dr Christina Gray discusses her findings.

Making a difference to student wellbeing
Making a difference to student wellbeing

OECD Director of Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher explains there are several factors that impact student wellbeing, and much comes down to teachers, parents and schools.

The Research Files Episode 29: Student self-regulation skills
The Research Files Episode 29: Student self-regulation skills

Professor Sue Walker joins Teacher to discuss the findings of a new study that suggests girls start school with more 'self-regulation' skills – things like paying attention, staying on task and working independently.

Infographic: Student exercise outside school

How do students in Australia compare with their counterparts in New Zealand, Singapore and the UK when it comes to physical exercise before and after school? Our latest infographic explores new OECD data.