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635 total results
Up close and personalised
Up close and personalised

We all know that our best teaching and learning programs respond to the prior knowledge and experiences of students, but how can we ensure personally tailored and responsive programs extend across a whole school?

Sweet emotion
Sweet emotion

A school is made up of its people, and people are not always rational beings. Gerard Ferrara explains the importance of emotional intelligence.

Self esteem: Caution – do not over-inflate
Self esteem: Caution – do not over-inflate

If we over-inflate our students’ self-esteem, we run the risk that the air will quickly come out of the balloon when they hit the wide world, says Stephen Dinham.

Open the door: Effective teaching is no secret
Open the door: Effective teaching is no secret

If we really want to improve student achievement we need to focus on the person who closes the classroom door and performs the teaching act – the teacher - but to do that we need to open classroom doors.

From the Editor
From the Editor

Welcome to an exciting new chapter in the life of Teacher magazine.