School leaders

331 total results
Teacher's bookshelf: Educational leadership
Teacher's bookshelf: Educational leadership

Teacher takes a sneak peek at Professor Stephen Dinham’s new book Leading Learning and Teaching. This extract explores the impact of leadership on student outcomes.

Ongoing professional learning – Lesson Study
Ongoing professional learning – Lesson Study

For well over a century, lesson study (jugyou kenkyuu) has been an important part of ongoing teacher training in Japan. Teacher finds out more about this collaborative professional learning model.

Developing problem-solving skills
Developing problem-solving skills

When Teacher shares examples of how evidence is being used to inform future action it’s usually educators who are doing the analysis and reflection, but in this case it’s students who’ve been digging into school data.

The effective use of classroom support staff
The effective use of classroom support staff

When you’re planning a lesson or unit of work, one of the things you’ll be thinking about is how to make the best use of the resources available, including teacher aides.

The Research Files Episode 20: Recruitment and retention of Indigenous educators
The Research Files Episode 20: Recruitment and retention of Indigenous educators

Teacher speaks to Peter Johnson about efforts to improve the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educators in Australian schools.

Infographic: Preparing teachers for the classroom
Infographic: Preparing teachers for the classroom

In the experience of Australian Principals, how well prepared are recent teacher graduates in relation to areas such as dealing with difficult student behaviour, making effective use of ICT, and subject content knowledge? Find out in today's infographic.

Schools as learning organisations
Schools as learning organisations

School improvement is most likely when an entire school has a shared improvement agenda and is committed to learning how to improve. Professor Geoff Masters AO discusses a five-step improvement cycle.

Great teachers underpin Shanghai PISA success
Great teachers underpin Shanghai PISA success

How does Shanghai do it? A new report from the World Bank says great teachers are one reason the city has topped the last two rounds of international testing for 15-year-olds.

School fundraising - reaching a wider audience
School fundraising - reaching a wider audience

School fundraisers don't have to be limited to local community events like sausage sizzles and fetes, these days online crowdfunding offers a connection to a wider audience.

Improving Indigenous attendance – the role of teachers
Improving Indigenous attendance – the role of teachers

Latest data indicate a 10 per cent attendance gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. What's the role for teachers in improving attendance among Indigenous children?