
30 total results
Will schools of the future be different?
Will schools of the future be different?

In his first Teacher column for 2025, Professor Geoff Masters AO poses these questions: will schooling be different for children born this year, and if so, how? He then offers 3 suggestions for how learning at school might evolve by 2040.

Infographic: Reading instruction strategies used in year 4 lessons in Australia
Infographic: Reading instruction strategies used in year 4 lessons in Australia

Recently released survey data from PIRLS 2021 (Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study) includes information on reading instruction strategies used in year 4 lessons. This infographic shows the percentage of Australian PIRLS 2021 students whose teachers reported using these strategies in every or almost every lesson.

Infographic: Australia’s reading results within the international context
Infographic: Australia’s reading results within the international context

The new report, Progress in International Reading Literacy Study: Australia’s results from PIRLS 2021, reveals how the average reading performance of year 4 students in Australia compares to other countries. Find out more in today’s infographic.

Expert Q&A: Exploring Australia’s PIRLS results
Expert Q&A: Exploring Australia’s PIRLS results

Australia’s results in the 2021 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) were released last week. In our latest expert Q&A we speak with PIRLS National Project Manager for Australia and ACER Senior Research Fellow Kylie Hillman about some of the interesting findings to come from this cycle.

PIRLS 2021: Year 4 reading and literacy results
PIRLS 2021: Year 4 reading and literacy results

Australian students’ literacy achievement has remained steady in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to results from the 2021 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). In today’s article we look at some of the factors influencing year 4 students’ performance on the assessment, and how their results compare internationally.

TIMSS 2019: School contexts and student attitudes
TIMSS 2019: School contexts and student attitudes

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) has today published new analyses of questionnaire data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019, examining the home, school and classroom contexts in which learning and achievement occur, and student attitudes.

Exploring Australian students’ strengths and weaknesses in maths and science
Exploring Australian students’ strengths and weaknesses in maths and science

What should Australian schools and teachers focus on in order to improve students’ general understanding of mathematics and science? In her final Teacher column of the year, Dr Sue Thomson explores newly released TIMSS 2019 data to highlight some of the strengths and weaknesses of Australian students at the national level.

TIMSS: Australia improves in maths and science
TIMSS: Australia improves in maths and science

Australian students have performed significantly better in the latest cycle of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study in Year 8 mathematics and Year 4 and Year 8 science – but not in Year 4 mathematics – than they did in 2015. Here, we take a closer look at the results.

The Forum for World Education: Five takeaways
The Forum for World Education: Five takeaways

In his final Teacher column of the year Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills, shares his key takeaways from this month’s Forum for World Education in Paris.

Australia's PISA performance declines further
Australia's PISA performance declines further

The PISA 2018 results show Australian students’ reading, mathematics and science skills are declining, to the point where for the first time in the assessment’s history, Australia’s performance has fallen to meet an OECD average – in mathematics.