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Plan to be positive
Plan to be positive

The positive or negative things we say and do as teachers in the classroom have a great influence on student learning – which is a good reason, says Rob McEwan, to plan for positive attitudes.

School Improvement Episode 1: Karen Endicott
School Improvement Episode 1: Karen Endicott

In the first episode of Teacher’s podcast series on school improvement, we speak to Karen Endicott, principal of Sarah Redfern High School in New South Wales, about her school improvement journey.

The art of conversation?
The art of conversation?

In schools across Australia there are educators avoiding having difficult conversations with their colleagues. Debra Ferguson offers some tips on how to get those conversations started.

Difficult behaviour - Beyond telling off
Difficult behaviour - Beyond telling off

Are you dealing with difficult behaviours in your classroom? Anthony Hockey looks at some preventive measures to help you address behaviours before they get difficult.

Sweet emotion
Sweet emotion

A school is made up of its people, and people are not always rational beings. Gerard Ferrara explains the importance of emotional intelligence.