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Tools and strategies for improving teacher wellbeing
Tools and strategies for improving teacher wellbeing

In part two of our Q&A with educator Renata Grudic, we find out about the tools and strategies being used to help teachers at Sydney’s Northern Beaches Secondary College (NBSC) build their resilience and wellbeing.

Building teacher resilience
Building teacher resilience

In the first of a two-part Q&A, this New South Wales educator shares what prompted her school's focus on teacher welfare and how they are delivering evidence-based professional development.

How to stop teachers leaving the profession
How to stop teachers leaving the profession

Teacher attrition and retention continues to be a problem for education systems around the world. Two studies published this month in Australia and the UK shed further light on the issue.

Infographic: Wise words on teacher wellbeing
Infographic: Wise words on teacher wellbeing

The 2016 Teacher reader survey includes the question: "Looking back on your experience as an educator, if you could share a piece of advice with your peers, what would it be?" Here are some of our favourite responses so far on the topic of wellbeing.

Room 3: Volume 3
Room 3: Volume 3

Once a fortnight Teacher ventures down to Room 3 – the basement library archives at the Australian Council for Educational Research – to bring you education quotes from yesteryear.

Finland – where ‘equality starts at the blackboard’
Finland – where ‘equality starts at the blackboard’

Tom Stehlik recently spent some time in Finland. Here, he reflects on the Finnish school structure and culture, teacher education programs and processes.

Infographic: Principals' experiences of offensive behaviour
Infographic: Principals' experiences of offensive behaviour

A 2015 study looked at the percentage of Australian principals who have had negative experiences in the workplace. Here are some of the results.

Social and emotional learning in schools
Social and emotional learning in schools

Principals, teachers, and the public are increasingly recognising the importance of teaching social and emotional skills to students alongside academic skills.

Education quotes from 2015
Education quotes from 2015

To celebrate the end of another year, the Teacher team looks back on some of our favourite quotes from interviewees.

Staff welfare programs – bringing teachers together
Staff welfare programs – bringing teachers together

'Happier staff create more conducive, less stressed learning environments.' At this school, food is just one way of bringing staff together and supporting wellbeing.