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Vision for 'research-rich' schools
Vision for 'research-rich' schools

A new report into the role of research in teaching and teacher education has set out a vision to develop research-rich schools and classrooms.

Welcome back, Teacher!
Welcome back, Teacher!

The research tells us that one of the most significant influencers of student learning outcomes is the quality of teaching. Which, of course, raises the critical question: what is good quality teaching? 

Up close and personalised
Up close and personalised

We all know that our best teaching and learning programs respond to the prior knowledge and experiences of students, but how can we ensure personally tailored and responsive programs extend across a whole school?

Professional learning that informs classroom practice – that's a good idea
Professional learning that informs classroom practice – that's a good idea

Research shows that professional learning has a powerful effect on the skills and knowledge of teachers. The tricky question is how to measure the impact of that professional learning on classroom practice and, as a result, on student learning.

Straighten up

Ergonomic awareness and well-designed furniture and school bags can prevent pain, injury and poor posture for students. Rebecca Leech explains.

Lessons from PISA
Lessons from PISA

Dave Tout explains why Australia’s 2012 PISA results in mathematics and numeracy paint a worrying picture.

Txt Tlk is OK
Txt Tlk is OK

A new study has found 'text speak' does not have a negative impact on the development of children's grammar and spelling.