
126 total results
Students' sense of belonging at school
Students' sense of belonging at school

Australian 15-year-olds were asked about their sense of belonging at school for the most recent Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study. Here, we look at some of the Australian results and how they compare with other countries.

Assessing global competence
Assessing global competence

This year, for the first time, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) will assess global competence. In his latest Teacher column, OECD Director for Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher discusses what the assessment entails.

Could marking exams improve your professional practice?
Could marking exams improve your professional practice?

Teachers are often encouraged to take up opportunities to mark external exams or tests. There is extra money to be earned, but they are also often told that it is good professional development. But what do people mean when they say that, and what parts of your professional practice does marking help to develop?

Does the old school report have a future?
Does the old school report have a future?

In the first of a series of articles on how schools communicate student learning progress, Dr Hilary Hollingsworth and Jonathan Heard examine some of the recent history of reporting in Australian schools and highlight some of the competing forces that have influenced current practices in student reporting.

NAPLAN Reading: The achievement spread

Research shows that in Australia the most advanced 10 per cent of students in a year level are about five to six years ahead of the least advanced 10 per cent. This infographic shows approximate distributions of students in NAPLAN Reading.

Is setting higher standards the answer?
Is setting higher standards the answer?

Raising the expected performance standard in each year of school and holding all teachers and students accountable for achieving these higher standards may not be the most effective way to improve levels of performance in Australian schools, Professor Geoff Masters AO writes in his latest Teacher column.

Upgrading your skills and supporting others
Upgrading your skills and supporting others

Taking a postgraduate qualification is an opportunity to not only upgrade your personal skill-set, but also add to the collective staff expertise in your school community.

A different way to organise the school curriculum
A different way to organise the school curriculum

There are good reasons to rethink how we organise the school curriculum. An alternative would be to structure the curriculum as a sequence of proficiency levels unrelated to age or year level, according to Professor Geoff Masters AO.

Students monitoring their learning with Professor Geoff Masters
Students monitoring their learning with Professor Geoff Masters

In today’s video Teacher magazine sits down with Australian Council for Educational Research CEO Professor Geoff Masters AO to discuss why it is important that students are involved in the process of setting goals for their own learning and can monitor the progress that they’re making.

Thinking differently about assessment with Professor Geoff Masters
Thinking differently about assessment with Professor Geoff Masters

In today’s video Teacher magazine sits down with Australian Council for Educational Research CEO Professor Geoff Masters AO to discuss new ways of thinking about assessment.