Short articles

789 total results
Understanding changing images of assessment
Understanding changing images of assessment

Fiona Gordon explores how documenting professional learning conversations can help you understand the images of assessment that teachers hold.

Education reform in Sweden
Education reform in Sweden

The global education community often looks to Scandinavia for inspiration on school improvement, but an OECD report has called on Sweden to implement urgent national reform.

Microscope goes beyond classroom walls
Microscope goes beyond classroom walls

Christine Haynes recently tested out a wireless handheld microscope with Year 4 students. Here, she reflects on her experience with it and whether it could enhance students’ learning.

Mobile phones in the classroom
Mobile phones in the classroom

Banning mobile phones from schools boosts student performance in high stakes tests, according to a study published by the London School of Economics (LSE).

Tracking the journeys of schools realising assessment reform and innovation
Tracking the journeys of schools realising assessment reform and innovation

Teacher provides a snapshot of one school's assessment reform experience.

Using feedback to move forward
Using feedback to move forward

Giving focused feedback has removed the fear of the unknown for one cohort of students and freed them up to become more confident writers.

Instilling a love of reading
Instilling a love of reading

Reading aloud for pleasure is more associated with primary than secondary. Yet for 36 years, this educator has read aloud for enjoyment to her Grade 7 to 12s.

Teacher's bookshelf: 10 must-reads
Teacher's bookshelf: 10 must-reads

As a Teacher reader, you can access 20 per cent off certain titles by visiting one of ACER's Bookshops during May and June, and greeting staff with: 'I'm a Teacher reader!'

Happy birthday, Teacher!
Happy birthday, Teacher!

A year ago, Teacher went live. To celebrate, we take a look back at some of the team’s favourite articles, podcasts, videos and infographics from our first year.

Ask an expert: Professor Dylan Wiliam
Ask an expert: Professor Dylan Wiliam

If you could ask Professor Dylan Wiliam one question, what would it be?