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157 total results
Peer mentoring for STEM students
Peer mentoring for STEM students

Students say a peer mentoring program linking their school with a local university has helped make science learning more relevant to the real world.

The Research Files Episode 13: Jim Pellegrino on shaping science learning
The Research Files Episode 13: Jim Pellegrino on shaping science learning

To mark National Science Week, Teacher hears from Professor Jim Pellegrino about shaping science learning for the future.

Seeing, thinking and wondering
Seeing, thinking and wondering

‘When we can see an opportunity, we can think about what’s possible and then wonder how we can make it happen.’ Fiona Gordon discusses how allowing students to construct their own knowledge can create change.

Reinventing the classroom for the digital age
Reinventing the classroom for the digital age

How can we engage girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths? One school is tackling the issue full steam ahead.

When I grow up ...
When I grow up ...

How early do children start to think about future careers? A new study offers some interesting insights about the career aspirations of students and the reasons behind their choices.

Microscope goes beyond classroom walls
Microscope goes beyond classroom walls

Christine Haynes recently tested out a wireless handheld microscope with Year 4 students. Here, she reflects on her experience with it and whether it could enhance students’ learning.

Stimulating learning environments
Stimulating learning environments

Why can’t schools be as exciting as Disney World? One principal shares how his school has incorporated stimulating learning platforms that feed students' imagination.

Professional learning – reflections from a trip to Finland
Professional learning – reflections from a trip to Finland

Two educators recently embarked on a professional learning journey to Finland. Here, they reflect on the lessons they learned from the Finnish system.

Thinking outside the square
Thinking outside the square

Teacher speaks to four school leaders about taking on staff who've switched careers – and the practical experience they bring to the classroom.

Play, create and control
Play, create and control

Christine Haynes reviews a robot construction kit, and discusses why robotics still appeals to tech-savvy teachers.