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56 total results
Challenging students: Real-world Mathematics
Challenging students: Real-world Mathematics

The International Mathematical Modeling Challenge asks students to work collaboratively on a mathematical task related to the real world. Here, Ross Turner, who leads Australia’s involvement in the challenge, describes this year’s task.

Challenging students in a collaborative maths competition
Challenging students in a collaborative maths competition

An international mathematical modelling competition, open to secondary students in Australia, has seen senior secondary students work collaboratively on a complex, real-world mathematics problem. Here, we speak to two teachers who guided students through the competition.

Reimagining the teaching profession
Reimagining the teaching profession

‘… teachers talked about how they can prepare today’s students for their future, rather than for our past.’ Teacher columnist Andreas Schleicher shares details of discussions from the recent Qudwa Global Teachers’ Forum, which brought together 800 educators.

Reducing disparities between Australian schools
Reducing disparities between Australian schools

According to Professor Geoff Masters AO, one of the biggest challenges we face in school education is to reduce current disparities in the schooling experiences of students in Australia’s most and least advantaged schools

‘Big five' challenges in school education
‘Big five' challenges in school education

Real reform and significant progress in improving the quality and equity of Australian schooling depend on tackling our deepest and most stubborn educational challenges, writes Professor Geoff Masters AO.

Hands-on science mentoring beneficial for rural students
Hands-on science mentoring beneficial for rural students

New research suggests that hands-on science mentor programs can be beneficial for high achieving senior secondary students in rural areas. In our latest reader submission, Louise Puslednik details the study findings.

Extending gifted students through the arts
Extending gifted students through the arts

The Netherlands is one of PISA’s consistent top performers and is often recognised internationally as an example of educational success and a front-runner in supporting struggling learners. Here, we take a look at a project that’s focused on extending gifted learners in the Netherlands.

Student voice: Supporting high achievers from low-income backgrounds
Student voice: Supporting high achievers from low-income backgrounds

When seeking ways to improve students’ academic outcomes, sometimes teachers and school leaders fail to ask for input from those who can offer perhaps the most important perspective – the students themselves.

The Research Files Episode 56: John Munro on gifted education
The Research Files Episode 56: John Munro on gifted education

Dr John Munro joins Teacher to discuss gifted learners – in particular, how to identify these learners, how to understand their learning needs and how to encourage them to reach their potential in the classroom and beyond.

Gifted learners and career choices
Gifted learners and career choices

New research examines the career decision-making process of gifted students from low socioeconomic backgrounds for the first time. The lead author of the report explains the significance of the research findings and the implications for educators.