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School Improvement Episode 34: PLCs to improve student writing outcomes
School Improvement Episode 34: PLCs to improve student writing outcomes

Bernie Hawker, Head of Department Teaching and Learning at Goondiwindi State High School in Queensland, joins us to talk about the school’s award-winning STEAM Program, which has been successful in improving student writing outcomes. You’ll also hear about the strong culture of sharing and collaboration among staff, including through Professional Learning Communities, that’s been key to the program’s continued growth and success.

Edureading: Teachers engaging with research online
Edureading: Teachers engaging with research online

The research-based reading group #edureading brings teachers and academics together on Twitter to engage with research. In today’s article, Victorian teacher Steven Kolber and researchers Dr Keith Heggart and Dr Sandy Nicoll explain why the group was formed, and how it has helped educators contribute to educational research in a meaningful way.

Researching education: Five further readings on rural education
Researching education: Five further readings on rural education

As an educator working in a rural community, what are the most pressing challenges you face that are directly related to the location of your school? Is professional learning an area you need support in? What about staff turnover or opportunities for students? Here are five resources that analyse the experiences of staff and students in rural schools.

Q&A: Martial arts to improve wellbeing
Q&A: Martial arts to improve wellbeing

Can doing martial arts improve our cognitive function and mental health? In today’s Q&A, we speak to Dr Paloma Mari-Beffa, a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Bangor University in the UK about her research into the way martial arts make us more alert and vigilant, boost our concentration and improve wellbeing.

Researching education: Five further readings on student resilience
Researching education: Five further readings on student resilience

In this series, we take a look at some further readings available on a particular topic, including open access research papers from various online databases. In this edition, the focus is on student resilience.

‘Big five’ education challenges: The ‘long tail’ of underachievement in Australia
‘Big five’ education challenges: The ‘long tail’ of underachievement in Australia

‘One of the biggest challenges facing educators is to find better ways to meet the learning needs of the many students who fall behind in our schools.’ In her latest Teacher column, Dr Sue Thomson explores the issue in an Australian context, and the progress made in recent years.

Implementing metacognitive strategies to strengthen student capacity
Implementing metacognitive strategies to strengthen student capacity

‘In the context of remote learning, it is likely that those students who had already developed metacognitive strategies and skills were better prepared to learn and apply that learning independently.’ Today’s article shares how a senior secondary school is developing metacognition and self-regulation in learners.

What can we learn from 20 years of PISA?
What can we learn from 20 years of PISA?

At the start of the millennium, students around the world participated in PISA (the Programme for International Student Assessment) for the first time. Twenty years on, what can the wealth of data collected so far tell us about education in Australia?

School resources: Evidence-based practice in Mathematics
School resources: Evidence-based practice in Mathematics

It’s well understood that highly effective school leaders promote the use of evidence-based teaching practices throughout their school. A new resource aims to support principals, learning leaders and teachers in thinking about their priorities and student needs in mathematics, and what the research says.

Share your ideas and experiences with us in our annual reader survey
Share your ideas and experiences with us in our annual reader survey

Our annual reader survey has just opened for another year. It’s an opportunity to tell us more about your interests, concerns and experiences as an educator, and to let us know what content you’d like to see from us next.