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Room 3: Volume 1
Room 3: Volume 1

Once a fortnight Teacher ventures down to Room 3 – the basement archives at the Australian Council for Educational Research.

Equal, fair access
Equal, fair access

Switching on captions is in this Melbourne school’s policy because, as the principal says, ‘good teaching practice for deaf kids, is good teaching practice for all kids.’

Teaching Methods Episode 1: Explicit instruction with John Fleming
Teaching Methods Episode 1: Explicit instruction with John Fleming

Welcome to the first of Teacher’s four-part podcast series on teaching methods. This month we speak to John Fleming about explicit instruction in the classroom.

Vision for 'research-rich' schools
Vision for 'research-rich' schools

A new report into the role of research in teaching and teacher education has set out a vision to develop research-rich schools and classrooms.

Stop and smell the roses
Stop and smell the roses

Rapid change takes its toll on teachers and school leaders. All the more reason, says Robyn Collins, to address your own wellbeing, not least to ensure your longevity and sustainability in your challenging role.

Uncovering authentic learning: Stupid gamers and terrible teenagers
Uncovering authentic learning: Stupid gamers and terrible teenagers

Do you think game-thumbing young people are stupid, antisocial zombies, while skaters are just, well, stupid, antisocial teenagers on skateboards? It might be time to think again.

Programming the future: The difference between 'using' and 'doing' technology
Programming the future: The difference between 'using' and 'doing' technology

Our schools and our students are very good at using technology, but if we want to thrive in the 21st century, we and our students need to become very good at doing technology.

More than just raw scores
More than just raw scores

Educators have a range of data sources at their fingertips. At this Tasmanian school, the emphasis is on interpreting this data and putting it to good use.

From the Editor
From the Editor

Welcome to an exciting new chapter in the life of Teacher magazine.