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Infographic: Australia's PISA performance over time

A report on the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results examines trends in Australia's average performance and the change in the percentages of students considered 'high' and 'low' performers.

PISA 2015 brings more bad news for Australia
PISA 2015 brings more bad news for Australia

The PISA 2015 test results have brought more bad news for Australia’s education system with student performances in scientific, reading and mathematical literacy all in ‘absolute decline’.

Integrating game-making into the curriculum
Integrating game-making into the curriculum

Each year the Australian STEM Video Game Challenge invites students to design and create their own game. Here’s how one school integrated it into their curriculum planning.

Global Education Episode 11: Dr Sue Thomson discusses TIMSS 2015
Global Education Episode 11: Dr Sue Thomson discusses TIMSS 2015

Conducted every four years, TIMSS compares the achievements of Years 4 and 8 students in mathematics and science. Teacher sat down with Dr Sue Thomson from ACER to discuss the Australian results.

Why it's important to switch off from work
Why it's important to switch off from work

There may be a very good reason why teachers are feeling so rundown at this time of year. Here, we explore why it’s important for teachers to switch off from work and destress.

Australian student performance flatlining
Australian student performance flatlining

Australian results from the first of two major international education studies have indicated Years 4 and 8 student achievement in mathematics and science has flatlined over the past 20 years.

Helping deaf students to succeed
Helping deaf students to succeed

Educators working with deaf and hearing impaired students have reported a need for professional learning in a range of areas, including mental health, wellbeing and literacy.

Do students enjoy writing?
Do students enjoy writing?

Like reading for pleasure, an enjoyment of writing has been linked to higher student achievement, but new data from the UK show children and young people’s enjoyment of writing is declining.

Infographic: Student health and wellbeing

The Australian Child Wellbeing Project surveyed 5400 students in Year 4, 6 and 8, asking them about their lives and wellbeing during this crucial period. Here are some of the findings.

Wearable tech giving classroom insights
Wearable tech giving classroom insights

Wearable tech is being used by researchers in the classroom to gain insights into how the brain learns. We find out about a group learning study and the data collection devices involved.