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864 total results
'Mobile ban raises achievement' – a micro view of a macro phenomenon
'Mobile ban raises achievement' – a micro view of a macro phenomenon

Last month, Teacher reported on a study published about the link between school mobile phone bans and student achievement. As a follow-up, Roger Broadie and Mal Lee challenge the findings.

Digging into data to support differentiation
Digging into data to support differentiation

In this two part series, we look at how one school is using research-informed strategies to challenge high achieving students in maths.

Education reform in Sweden
Education reform in Sweden

The global education community often looks to Scandinavia for inspiration on school improvement, but an OECD report has called on Sweden to implement urgent national reform.

Research Files Episode 10: Professor John Hattie
Research Files Episode 10: Professor John Hattie

Teacher chats to Professor John Hattie, who provides a snapshot of his groundbreaking work on Visible Learning and previews a new piece of research on learning strategies.

Tracking the journeys of schools realising assessment reform and innovation
Tracking the journeys of schools realising assessment reform and innovation

Teacher provides a snapshot of one school's assessment reform experience.

Teacher's bookshelf: 10 must-reads
Teacher's bookshelf: 10 must-reads

As a Teacher reader, you can access 20 per cent off certain titles by visiting one of ACER's Bookshops during May and June, and greeting staff with: 'I'm a Teacher reader!'

Stimulating learning environments
Stimulating learning environments

Why can’t schools be as exciting as Disney World? One principal shares how his school has incorporated stimulating learning platforms that feed students' imagination.

Legal matters: Schools and data privacy
Legal matters: Schools and data privacy

Schools collect and receive personal and sensitive information on a daily basis. What are the legal requirements for managing and using this data? Teacher asked three legal experts.

The importance of BYOT
The importance of BYOT

Mal Lee explains why BYOT is one of the critical phases in the digital evolution, transformation and enhancement of schooling.

Change through teacher leadership
Change through teacher leadership

Initiatives aimed at improving attendance and retention rates in a remote Indigenous school have paved the way for a rise in students interested in pursuing tertiary education and career pathways.