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WISE 2015: Recognising change, transformation and impact
WISE 2015: Recognising change, transformation and impact

The 2015 World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) Awards have honoured six projects for their creative approach to learning and positive impact on society.

Delaying Kindergarten – the impact on mental health
Delaying Kindergarten – the impact on mental health

Delaying a child’s enrolment to Kindergarten for a year has mental health benefits, according to new research from Stanford University.

Growing their own
Growing their own

How a joint venture to support pre-service educators is improving teacher retention for Northern Territory schools.

Reinventing the classroom for the digital age
Reinventing the classroom for the digital age

How can we engage girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths? One school is tackling the issue full steam ahead.

Captioning technology to support PD
Captioning technology to support PD

Voice recordings made by teachers are being used to give feedback on their lesson delivery in an effort to promote effective classroom practice.

Professional learning – reflections from a trip to Finland
Professional learning – reflections from a trip to Finland

Two educators recently embarked on a professional learning journey to Finland. Here, they reflect on the lessons they learned from the Finnish system.

Learning journeys: Staff investigations
Learning journeys: Staff investigations

Staff-developed research programs are key to the curriculum improvement process at this school.

2015 – Let's share the knowledge
2015 – Let's share the knowledge

‘More sensible is to consider what works in high-performing countries and adapt for local circumstances.’ Former politician and award-winning journalist, Maxine McKew, discusses how schools can replicate success.

Mixing literacy with innovation
Mixing literacy with innovation

Two teachers explain how an approach to literacy that incorporates an in-school book publishing program has contributed to an increase in engagement levels.

Helping set benchmarks
Helping set benchmarks

A project aimed at lifting the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers and principals in Australia has released a detailed workforce profile it hopes will lead to lasting reform.