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Dinham on knowing your students
Dinham on knowing your students

The best schools of all types know their students as learners and as people, according to Professor Stephen Dinham. In today’s video, he also discusses why students essentially want teachers who care and are fair.

Q&A: Bev Fluckiger on age-appropriate pedagogies
Q&A: Bev Fluckiger on age-appropriate pedagogies

Following her session at Research Conference 2017, Associate Professor Bev Flückiger joins Teacher to share more on her research into age-appropriate pedagogies. In this Q&A, she discusses the importance of play and recognising the agency of children.

Dinham on self-esteem and student learning
Dinham on self-esteem and student learning

‘We know that self-concept or self-esteem has a significant effect on student learning but the mistake we’ve made is to try and boost student self-esteem and self-concept artificially and that doesn’t work,’ Professor Stephen Dinham shares with Jo Earp in today’s video.

Teacher's bookshelf: Early years playgrounds
Teacher's bookshelf: Early years playgrounds

In this extract from Early Childhood Playgrounds: Planning an outside learning environment, Prue Walsh discusses why outside play is important for children with special needs.

Global Teacher Prize recognises the world's best
Global Teacher Prize recognises the world's best

The Global Teacher prize awards US $1 million to an exceptional educator who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession. Here, we take a look at those who made the coveted top 10 shortlist.

Canadian educator wins $1 million teacher prize
Canadian educator wins $1 million teacher prize

A teacher who has spent the last six years working in a fly-in Inuit village in the Canadian arctic has been named the winner of the Global Teacher Prize.

Helping deaf students to succeed
Helping deaf students to succeed

Educators working with deaf and hearing impaired students have reported a need for professional learning in a range of areas, including mental health, wellbeing and literacy.

School transition made easier with the help of Little J and Big Cuz
School transition made easier with the help of Little J and Big Cuz

A new television series seeks to support the successful transition from home to school for Indigenous children and their families. The show, Little J & Big Cuz, has been devised, written and directed by Indigenous creatives from across Australia.

Infographic: Girls' confidence

A new survey suggests girls' confidence is sky high in primary school, but it nose-dives as they progress through secondary school and beyond.

Service learning in schools
Service learning in schools

‘Too often service is given a polite pat on the back for being “nice” while simultaneously being positioned somewhere to the left of the “serious business of education”. But both research and practice tell a different story.’