Research news

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The Research Files Episode 21: The impact of Snapchat in education settings
The Research Files Episode 21: The impact of Snapchat in education settings

Teacher talks to University of New England academics Dr Jennifer Charteris and Dr Sue Gregory about their research that looks at the impact of the messaging app Snapchat in education settings, and how schools are responding to issues such as cyber bullying and sexting.

Preschoolers and numeracy development
Preschoolers and numeracy development

In the second in a series of papers discussing neuroscience, psychology and research Dr Kate Reid explores preschool early numeracy development and how to help foster it.

Advice for undertaking school-based action research
Advice for undertaking school-based action research

Teacher magazine asks three presenters at this year’s Excellence in Professional Practice Conference to share their advice for educators looking to undertake action research in a school setting.

Infographic: Distribution of class time
Infographic: Distribution of class time

The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 asked lower secondary education teachers about the distribution of class time during the average lesson. So, how much time is actually spent on teaching and learning? Find out in this Teacher infographic.

The effective use of classroom support staff
The effective use of classroom support staff

When you’re planning a lesson or unit of work, one of the things you’ll be thinking about is how to make the best use of the resources available, including teacher aides.

The Research Files Episode 20: Recruitment and retention of Indigenous educators
The Research Files Episode 20: Recruitment and retention of Indigenous educators

Teacher speaks to Peter Johnson about efforts to improve the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educators in Australian schools.

Lost in translation – shattering neuromyths
Lost in translation – shattering neuromyths

'Imagine having a brain that is only 10 per cent active ...' Research has sought to shatter common misunderstandings about the brain that are held in classrooms.

Great teachers underpin Shanghai PISA success
Great teachers underpin Shanghai PISA success

How does Shanghai do it? A new report from the World Bank says great teachers are one reason the city has topped the last two rounds of international testing for 15-year-olds.

Teachers in school libraries - what does the data tell us?
Teachers in school libraries - what does the data tell us?

A recent study provides greater understanding of who is teaching in Australia’s school libraries and highlights two trends that warrant further attention.

A body-based approach to teaching maths
A body-based approach to teaching maths

Teacher takes a closer look at a project that sees artists working alongside teachers in the classroom to encourage students to take a more creative and physical approach to learning mathematics.