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39 total results
Teacher Q&A: Algorithmic thinking
Teacher Q&A: Algorithmic thinking

Why is it important to teach algorithmic thinking skills? Is algorithmic thinking the same as coding? Educators Greg Breese and David Shigrov answer these questions and more in today’s Q&A.

Implementing a new curriculum
Implementing a new curriculum

In the second of a three-part series, Victorian educator Fiona Matthews shares her experiences in implementing the new Digital Technologies Curriculum in her school. In today’s article, she delves deeper into the implementation phase of the process.

STEAM education - taking a co-design approach
STEAM education - taking a co-design approach

The STEAMpunk Girls project involves researchers from UTS working with high school students and teachers to co-design a project-based learning program.

A guide to programming languages for coding in class
A guide to programming languages for coding in class

So, you want to introduce coding in class but with so many programming languages out there how do you choose the one that’s right for your students?

Changing parent perceptions of classroom practice
Changing parent perceptions of classroom practice

The co-authors of an annual Australian study say involving parents more in the day-to-day learning of their children could help to change perceptions about teachers’ capabilities.

How art is drawing students to STEM
How art is drawing students to STEM

To address the decline in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) participation, experts are turning to innovative approaches to engage students in science.

Global Education Episode 8: FabLabs and makerspaces with Jaymes Dec
Global Education Episode 8: FabLabs and makerspaces with Jaymes Dec

Teacher speaks to New York educator Jaymes Dec about school FabLabs, pop-up makerspaces and the open-source Nerdy Derby.

The Research Files Special Episode: Professor Tim Bell
The Research Files Special Episode: Professor Tim Bell

In this special episode of The Research Files, Teacher talks to Professor Tim Bell about Computer Science education. He's one of the keynotes at the ACER Research Conference 2016 – his talk is titled 'What's all the fuss about coding?'

Developing digital technology skills
Developing digital technology skills

How one primary school is using a humanoid robot in the classroom to develop digital technology skills, including evaluating and problem solving.

Teaching and learning with humanoid robots
Teaching and learning with humanoid robots

Early research results suggest humanoid robots are providing students with the opportunity to engage in deep learning.