
269 total results
Infographic: Pre-service teacher preparation
Infographic: Pre-service teacher preparation

In a recent infographic, we looked at data on Principals’ perceptions of the preparation of recent teacher graduates. This follow-up looks at the views of the teachers themselves.

Dr Seuss and quality teaching Part 2: ‘There is fun to be done!'
Dr Seuss and quality teaching Part 2: ‘There is fun to be done!'

Professor Nan Bahr returns to her complete set of 40th anniversary Dr Seuss books to consider the qualities of quality teaching. Part two explores enthusiasm.

Dr Seuss and quality teaching Part 1: ‘Today you are you'
Dr Seuss and quality teaching Part 1: ‘Today you are you'

Professor Nan Bahr uses the works of Dr Seuss as a guide through two important personal attributes for teachers. Part 1 explores humour.

Infographic: Out-of-field teaching

A new ACER report looks at the extent to which secondary school teachers in Australia are teaching subjects they haven't specialised in during their studies. It includes data on the proportion of Years 7-10 teachers teaching out-of-field in 20 subject areas.

Newbies more likely to be teaching outside their subject specialisation
Newbies more likely to be teaching outside their subject specialisation

Just over one-quarter of Year 7-10 teachers in Australian schools are teaching out of field, with those at the start of their careers more likely to be teaching a subject they haven’t specialised in.

Building teacher capacity in digital technologies
Building teacher capacity in digital technologies

It’s not just students who are benefiting from the robotics program at Grace Lutheran College – the Queensland college also provides free training to educators from other schools.

Ongoing professional learning – Lesson Study
Ongoing professional learning – Lesson Study

For well over a century, lesson study (jugyou kenkyuu) has been an important part of ongoing teacher training in Japan. Teacher finds out more about this collaborative professional learning model.

The effective use of classroom support staff
The effective use of classroom support staff

When you’re planning a lesson or unit of work, one of the things you’ll be thinking about is how to make the best use of the resources available, including teacher aides.

Infographic: Preparing teachers for the classroom
Infographic: Preparing teachers for the classroom

In the experience of Australian Principals, how well prepared are recent teacher graduates in relation to areas such as dealing with difficult student behaviour, making effective use of ICT, and subject content knowledge? Find out in today's infographic.

Great teachers underpin Shanghai PISA success
Great teachers underpin Shanghai PISA success

How does Shanghai do it? A new report from the World Bank says great teachers are one reason the city has topped the last two rounds of international testing for 15-year-olds.