
48 total results
The Research Files Episode 72: Online mentoring for disengaged students
The Research Files Episode 72: Online mentoring for disengaged students

Our guest on episode 72 of The Research Files is Professor Joseph Ciarrochi from Australian Catholic University’s Institute for Positive Psychology and Education. He’s the lead researcher for projectHOPE – a program that’s notched up success in re-engaging at-risk secondary students with their schooling.

Video: Supporting refugee students to prepare for life after school
Video: Supporting refugee students to prepare for life after school

A refugee student mentoring program has proved to be successful with South Sudanese students at a school in New South Wales. Here, Greg Whitby sits down with Melinda Bowd to discuss how the program supported students by preparing them for life after school.

Leadership: Participating in principal mentoring
Leadership: Participating in principal mentoring

Being a school principal can be isolating, but principals who participate in mentoring gain access to support from a trusted peer who has a first-hand understanding of the unique aspects of the role. Here, we speak to Linda Mitchell, Principal of Fitzroy High School in Victoria, about what she’s gained by having a mentor.

Student transition: building relationships and setting expectations
Student transition: building relationships and setting expectations

After the disruption caused to schooling throughout 2020, students might be feeling a bit different about the return to school this year. Here, we speak to Associate Professor Dr Anne Coffey about how to best support students transition into the new school year, and what to be mindful of.

The Research Files Episode 64: Early career teachers' self-efficacy and mentoring
The Research Files Episode 64: Early career teachers' self-efficacy and mentoring

It’s no surprise that a teacher’s self-efficacy has a huge impact on their classroom teaching. But what aspects of work as a beginner teacher has an influence on how perceived self-efficacy develops? A research report has looked into this and we discuss the findings in this podcast episode.

Teacher and leader motivation for school-university partnerships
Teacher and leader motivation for school-university partnerships

Researchers at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales have been working with teachers and school leaders around Australia to better understand what motivates them to be involved in school-university partnerships. Here they share some of their study findings.

Improving teacher practice through collaborative reflection
Improving teacher practice through collaborative reflection

The Collaborative and Reflective Practices Program at Brisbane’s Villanova College aims to improve teaching practice by bringing teachers together, to allow them to collaborate and discuss the impact they have on their students, and implement new strategies with the support of their peers.

TALIS: Stress levels among Australian teachers
TALIS: Stress levels among Australian teachers

The OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey shows almost six in 10 Australian teachers say they feel quite a bit or a lot of stress in their jobs, significantly higher than the average across participating OECD countries. In her latest column, Dr Sue Thomson explores the factors that contribute to teachers’ stress at work.

Australian educators' satisfaction levels and work-related wellbeing
Australian educators' satisfaction levels and work-related wellbeing

Most Australian teachers believe the advantages of being a teacher outweigh any disadvantages, but fewer than half feel that they are valued by society for the job they do, according to new data from the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018.

Pre-service teachers and managing professional placements during COVID-19
Pre-service teachers and managing professional placements during COVID-19

How have the COVID-19 school restrictions affected pre-service teachers and their ability to complete their professional placements while students are learning remotely? We speak to Associate Professor Miriam Tanti, from Australian Catholic University, about how pre-service teachers have used it as an opportunity to develop a unique set of skills, knowledge and undestanding so early in their careers.