
2301 total results
Live theatre improves learning and tolerance
Live theatre improves learning and tolerance

A report examining the effects of taking students on excursions to see live theatre has shown that it produces significant educational benefits, including higher levels of tolerance and stronger command of the plot of those plays. Co-author of the report, Distinguished Professor Jay P. Greene shares more about the findings.

Podcast Special: Australia's Chief Scientist on STEM partnerships
Podcast Special: Australia's Chief Scientist on STEM partnerships

Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel joins Teacher to discuss his latest report which outlines why partnering schools with STEM industry experts is so beneficial.

Sharing good practice: Gonski and effective induction processes
Sharing good practice: Gonski and effective induction processes

In this fortnightly series, Teacher takes a closer look at some of the Gonski recommendations and highlights existing work by educators and schools to illustrate what they might look like in practice. Here we explore effective induction practices for early career teachers.

Infographic: Indicators of student engagement

The Western Australian Government recently surveyed 1812 students across Years 3 to 12 on student engagement. Here, we look at some of the results of this survey for students in Years 7 to 12.

Students' sense of belonging at school
Students' sense of belonging at school

Australian 15-year-olds were asked about their sense of belonging at school for the most recent Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study. Here, we look at some of the Australian results and how they compare with other countries.

STEM learning in the early years
STEM learning in the early years

How early should educators be introducing children to the basics of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and engaging them in STEM-related learning activities? An Australia-wide research project is zeroing in on preschool.

School leadership: A co-principalship model
School leadership: A co-principalship model

Gunbalanya School, on the edge of Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory, is jointly led by an Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Principal. In today’s article we find out more about this successful co-principalship model.

Global Education Episode 14: Global Teacher Prize winner Andria Zafirakou
Global Education Episode 14: Global Teacher Prize winner Andria Zafirakou

Andria Zafirakou was recently named the Global Teacher Prize winner. In this episode of Global Education, she speaks to Teacher about how her school partners with others in the community, why student voice is so important and how she supports the wellbeing of her students.

Miss Chen's blog: Recognising our fears
Miss Chen's blog: Recognising our fears

Miss Chen shares some of the F-2 resources she’s been using in her classroom. In today’s activity, the students discuss their fears and we learn new strategies to begin to overcome them.

Teaching and assessing general capabilities
Teaching and assessing general capabilities

How can we teach and assess general capabilities such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and research skills? Dr Claire Scoular and Jonathan Heard share details of a research project aiming to develop practical tools for use in the classroom.