Andrew Broadley

Andrew Broadley

Andrew Broadley is a Digital Content Producer for Teacher.

50 total results
Infographic: Who’s studying STEM?
Infographic: Who’s studying STEM?

Thinking about your own school context, is there a gender imbalance in STEM-related subjects? How do you encourage girls to consider taking STEM subjects? In this infographic, we look at gender inequality in students entering tertiary education in a STEM field. 

Teacher resources: Free lesson plans for teaching video game design
Teacher resources: Free lesson plans for teaching video game design

Brand-new resources to help staff and students prepare for this year’s Australian STEM Video Game Challenge are now available. Designed to support novice and experienced learners alike, the resources include curriculum-aligned lesson plans, links to free tutorials, tips for teachers, and more.

Teacher resources: Key events to help with your 2025 lesson planning
Teacher resources: Key events to help with your 2025 lesson planning

Welcome back to a brand-new year of Teacher. As usual, we’re kicking things off with our round up of the key themes and dates for 2025 – that should provide some extra inspiration and resources for your lesson planning over the next 12 months.

2024: Our year in podcasts
2024: Our year in podcasts

In this annual wrap-up of our year in podcasts, the editorial team at Teacher select their favourite episodes of 2024 – from our School Improvement series to the Research Files and more – and discuss why the episodes resonated with the team and Teacher listeners.

Research news: Students, smartphones and the ‘privacy paradox’
Research news: Students, smartphones and the ‘privacy paradox’

‘Tech-savvy doesn’t necessarily mean privacy-savvy.’ Teacher talks to Julie Maclean, co-author of a new report into student smartphone use, about how a generation that has grown up with technology is failing to mitigate the risks, and what schools can do to help.

Infographic: Teaching hours around the world
Infographic: Teaching hours around the world

How many hours do you spend teaching each year? How do you think it compares to your peers in Poland, Korea, or New Zealand? In today’s infographic, we share the annual teaching hours of primary and upper secondary teachers in Australia and around the world.

Research news: A global snapshot of the role of a school leader
Research news: A global snapshot of the role of a school leader

The latest Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report from UNESCO is out. This year, the focus is leadership in education. In today’s article, we look at some of the report’s key findings exploring the role and responsibilities of a school leader, and how this differs around the world.

ACER Advance Awards: Challenging high-achieving school students
ACER Advance Awards: Challenging high-achieving school students

A free new competition from the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) recognises high student achievement in Literacy and Numeracy. Here, we celebrate the inaugural award winners and talk to educators about the value of challenging their high-achieving students.

Teacher Awards 2024: Leadership Award for Driving School Improvement
Teacher Awards 2024: Leadership Award for Driving School Improvement

In this Teacher Awards 2024 winners’ profile, we chat with the executive team at Cessnock High School in NSW. Winners of our Leadership Award for Driving School Improvement, we hear about how they’ve transformed school culture and improved academic achievement.

Infographic: What do your students know about money?
Infographic: What do your students know about money?

According to PISA 2022, despite the majority of 15-year-old students already being consumers of financial products and services, many still lack the skills and knowledge needed to make sound financial decisions. In this infographic we look at the financial terms students are learning in school.