Andrew Broadley

Andrew Broadley

Andrew Broadley is a Digital Content Producer for Teacher.

26 total results
Insights from PISA: Resilient education systems
Insights from PISA: Resilient education systems

Rising teacher shortages and a global pandemic are just 2 of the major challenges schools have had to navigate over the last few years. Despite this, the latest PISA report highlights a handful of education systems that showed resilience during this period – including Japan and Lithuania. Teacher finds out more.

Real world maths – a pet ownership puzzle
Real world maths – a pet ownership puzzle

Each year, the International Mathematical Modeling Challenge gives students an opportunity to team up on a complex task that connects their mathematical learning with a real-world situation. Teacher spoke to members of an Australian team judged among the best globally, about how they approached this year’s challenge.

Research news: Teaching self-regulated learning in primary school
Research news: Teaching self-regulated learning in primary school

Self-regulated learning (SRL) techniques can equip students with the skills to manage their own learning – measuring progress, setting goals, and being adaptable to challenges and setbacks. Yet it isn’t something that has traditionally been taught at school. Professor Sally Brinkman tells Teacher about a new study hoping to change that.

Researching education: 5 further readings on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education
Researching education: 5 further readings on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education

In celebration of NAIDOC week 2024, we’re sharing 5 pieces of content on the topic of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education – including a helpful guide to selecting appropriate resources for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, languages, and more, respectively and effectively.

Q&A: Professional learning through staff collaboration
Q&A: Professional learning through staff collaboration

Research shows that high quality teaching and leadership teams learn from each other's practices. At Loreto Normanhurst, that philosophy has led to the development of their Open Learning Circles program, which sees professional development done in a collaborative, teacher-led format.

Q&A: Using Teacher content to inform your practice
Q&A: Using Teacher content to inform your practice

We love hearing about the practical ways our readers use our content – taking things they’ve read or heard from our site and adapting it to their own school context. In today’s article, we talk to Kylie Armstrong about how she adapted a Teacher article on First Nations perspectives in mathematics for her own school context.

Research news: Incorporating physical activity into teaching
Research news: Incorporating physical activity into teaching

Do you incorporate physical activity into your teaching? A new study from researchers at Queensland University of Technology looks at the ways teachers incorporate physical activity into their lessons, and why they do it.

Research news: Supporting students by learning through play
Research news: Supporting students by learning through play

As an educator, you’ll recognise the importance of providing time for young children to play and to learn through play. However, findings from a 4-year study conducted in Ukraine suggest that playful learning can be a protective factor for children, helping foster literacy and social-emotional skills in times of crisis.

Infographic: Finding the digital learning ‘sweet spot’
Infographic: Finding the digital learning ‘sweet spot’

According to mathematics performance data from the OECD's PISA 2022 report, students that spend time at school learning on digital devices outperform students that don't. But how much time is too much time? In today’s infographic, we look at student mathematics scores across the OECD and Australia by hours spent on digital learning at school.

Expert Q&A: Tax tips for teachers 2024
Expert Q&A: Tax tips for teachers 2024

To make your taxes a little less taxing this year, we spoke to Mark Chapman, Director of Tax Communications at H&R Block, to discuss everything teachers in Australia should know about tax time 2024 – from what you could be claiming for, to some common mistakes you might be making.