Long reads

728 total results
Using Drama as a tool for inclusion within the classroom
Using Drama as a tool for inclusion within the classroom

'To be truly inclusive is challenging but is also easily undertaken with thought and sometimes a re-positioning of default language and practice.' David Roy, Lecturer in Education and Creative Arts discusses the keys to inclusive practices in the classroom.

Supporting students, teachers and communities
Supporting students, teachers and communities

Yesterday we brought you news of the 2017 WISE Award winners. Here we take a look at the remaining nine finalists, including a collaborative learning model aimed at increasing teacher motivation and professionalism in India and Uganda.

Artificial intelligence, robotics and coding
Artificial intelligence, robotics and coding

Can computers think? What is intelligence? Can we build a robot that learns from its past experiences? These are some of the tricky questions Year 6 students have tackled as they explore the role of robots and machine technology in society while learning to code.

Teaching reading – it's simple but not simplistic
Teaching reading – it's simple but not simplistic

Today’s reader submission is by Sir Jim Rose, author of the influential 2006 UK report The Independent review of the teaching of early reading, which led to the adoption of mandatory teaching of systematic synthetic phonics in English primary schools. Here, he discusses ‘the simple view of reading’ and its implications.

Year 1 literacy and numeracy checks
Year 1 literacy and numeracy checks

A government advisory panel has recommended the introduction of national literacy and numeracy checks in Year 1 as a way of identifying students who need additional support. Here we take a closer look at the report, including the benefits and challenges raised by teachers and principals.

Better education outcomes for Indigenous students
Better education outcomes for Indigenous students

OECD Director of Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher says Indigenous students face tough challenges in most education systems, but analysis of outcomes in Canada, New Zealand and Queensland, Australia reveals sustained improvements have been achieved through focusing on several or all of six areas.

Using an action learning model
Using an action learning model

In this case study, staff at a Sydney high school share details of an action learning approach to professional learning and its impact on teachers and students.

Teaching increasingly unattractive to young students
Teaching increasingly unattractive to young students

The teaching profession is getting older and is becoming increasingly unattractive to young students, data from a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) show.

Leadership Q&A: Teachers as leaders
Leadership Q&A: Teachers as leaders

Susan Lovett is an Associate Professor in Educational Leadership at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. In this Q&A, Lovett joins Teacher to discuss what teacher leadership is, and why she believes it is a mistake to attribute school leadership activities only to those residing in formal roles.

Shifting the focus of NAPLAN
Shifting the focus of NAPLAN

The decision to move NAPLAN online provides an opportunity to place less emphasis on comparing the performances of schools and more emphasis on supporting student learning, according to Professor Geoff Masters AO.