A new report recommends all children in Australia should have access to at least two years of preschool at three-years-old and discusses the elements of a high quality preschool program.
Catholic schools in Western Australia are drawing upon the expertise of international curriculum consultant Lyn Sharratt to target whole school improvement.
Students begin each school year at very different stages in their learning and development. Nevertheless, every student should be expected to make excellent progress in their learning regardless of their starting point, Professor Geoff Masters AO writes.
In part two of our Q&A with educator Renata Grudic, we find out about the tools and strategies being used to help teachers at Sydney’s Northern Beaches Secondary College (NBSC) build their resilience and wellbeing.
In the final instalment of our three-part series, educator Leanne Chesterfield discusses the logistical challenges of developing and implementing a cross-curricular framework.
In the first of a two-part Q&A, this New South Wales educator shares what prompted her school's focus on teacher welfare and how they are delivering evidence-based professional development.
Andreas Schleicher says the road to education technology reform is littered with good ideas that are poorly executed, and explains why educators need to be involved in innovation.
Teacher recently brought you news of the six WISE (World Innovation Summit for Education) Award winners for 2016. Today we take a look at the other nine projects that made it onto the shortlist.
Traditional ways of thinking about learning, assessment and educational qualifications are being challenged. Professor Geoff Masters AO discusses the three challenges that a senior secondary school can expect to face.
Each year the WISE (World Innovation Summit for Education) Awards give a shout out to projects that have succeeded in addressing educational challenges. Here’s a look at the six winners for 2016.
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